Corrected entry: "The Shape of Things to Come" - When Ben goes to say his goodbyes to Alex after the Smoke Monster attack, her eyes are closed when he approaches her body. However, her eyes are wide open when he turns her over, and he closes them himself.
Corrected entry: In the scene where Sayid is going through Ben's passports the first one he comes to is a red/maroon New Zealand one. New Zealand passports are blue.
Correction: Not true. The top passport, the New Zealand one, is blue (although the light in the room is dim, so this may appear otherwise). Sayid then flips quickly through the pile, looking at the passport covers, before opening one with a red cover. The one he opens is Swiss.
Corrected entry: Season 4, "The Economist" - When Sayid looks over at Naomi's body, her eyes are closed. However, later on he walks over, bends down, and gently closes her eyes himself. I know things are freaky on this island and dead people might not necessarily stay that way (wouldn't be the first time someone we thought was dead suddenly showed up), but I doubt Naomi's eyes popped back open on their own.
Correction: Actually, they do. Open is the human eyes 'default' state when awake. After someone dies, you can close them, but rigor mortis will pop them open again after a short time. They are generally glued or sewn shut before a funeral.
Correction: Given the angle that her head is at when we see her body as Ben approaches it, it cannot be accurately determined whether her eyes were open or closed.
Tailkinker ★