Lost mistake picture

The Beginning of the End - S4-E1

Continuity mistake: We see the red car at the start smash through some fruit stands. All the fruit falls off the car, and we then see the car skid round a corner with more fruit falling off it, despite there being no fruit on the car by this time. (00:01:30)


Lost mistake picture

Catch-22 - S3-E17

Continuity mistake: When camping, Charlie walks over to Desmond, who is holding a photo of him and Penny. In the first shot, he is holding it by the sides of the photo, but when the shot changes to a different angle, he is now holding it at the bottom of the photo with both hands. (00:17:50)


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Tabula Rasa - S1-E3

Locke: Do you play checkers with your Pop?
Walt: No. I live in Australia with My Mom. She got sick, she died a couple of weeks ago.
Locke: You're having a bad month.

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The End (1) - S6-E17

Trivia: The Oceanic employee delivering Jack's father's body has a name visible on his navy blue overall - it is Bocklin - Arnold Bocklin is an artist famous for painting "Isle of the Dead" in 1880. (00:04:00)


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Season 1 generally

Question: When Claire is pregnant with her baby, her belly looks very realistic. Does anyone know how they make it look so real?

Answer: Using a mold, a realistic pregnancy belly is made of latex (rubber), including the distinct belly button, to suit the proportions of Emilie de Ravin who plays Claire. It is then painted with a special paint/adhesive compound that adheres to the surface and for shots of the actual belly, additional veining and stretch marks are airbrushed on.

Super Grover

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