Corrected entry: In the first episode it shows the house a mess and Danny and Joey and Jesse not wanting to clean. Then in the future the show portrays Danny as always being a neat freak, even as a child.
Corrected entry: After Vanessa comes to the door, and they find out that DJ moved out of the room, everyone starts going upstairs, and Jesse takes Vanessa's hand so she will go with him. In the hallway, right before they enter DJ's old room, you see Vanessa behind Jesse since you can see her peach dress. But then it's like she disappears and she does not ever enter the room.
Correction: She went into Jesse's room where we later see her when she says: "Did you know you have pink bunnies on your room."
Correction: Not really a mistake, the whole premise of the first episode is to show how Danny is having trouble managing raising 3 kids and holding down a job on his own since his wife died. It would make sense that his house is in disarray in the beginning.
In the episode "The Return of Grandma" none of them want to clean, even Danny, who is being faced with the fact that his mom is coming to see how he's been doing and his desire to show her that he's doing well.