Corrected entry: The Carters decide that Alternate Carter is suffering from the entropic cascade failure because of the "increased entropy generated by both of [them] existing in the same reality." It's further explained that Kawalsky didn't get the cascade failure because this universe's Kawasky is dead. Even so, Kawalsky's matter still exists. Shouldn't he also be generating increased entropy, and therefore be suffering from entropic cascade failure as well?
Corrected entry: In the alternate reality at the end when all the jaffa are running through the gate, you can see a staircase at the end of the ramp. There is no use for that there except for the jaffa to run through and run down instead of jumping off and risking injury.
Correction: The people at the SGC have to make repairs to the Stargate & also study it. The stairway provides easy access from the rear of the Stargate to do these two things. Also at any time someone may try to open a wormhole & in this case the stairs provide a quick & risk free means of escaping without needing to go down the ramp.
Correction: The matter that made up Kawalsky might still exist, but not in an active state or as i's role as Kawalsky. It would be absorbed into the universe and restructed as something else. Like the life cycle of collapsed stars becoming nebulae and the nebulae becoming new stars and planets, just on a much smaller scale.