Brian's Got a Brand New Bag - S8-E4
Question: In this episode, Brian goes to the bar, when he's supposed to be picking up Rita's medicine. When he's there, he meets an attractive girl, who refers him to her friend. Before that, the attractive girl says texting lingo which is too fast for me to understand. What is the translation?
Brian's Got a Brand New Bag - S8-E4
Question: "That's the number, Brian. Just dial 0 and read it to Sarah." I don't understand what's going on here and who is Sarah?
Answer: It's a joke about how Rita's so old the number on her bracelet wasn't a 7-digit number. In the early 20th century to place a call you could call "Central" and tell the operator "Murray Hill 4185" and she would connect you. Rita is telling Brian to call the operator (dial "0") and read "Murray Hill 4185" to Sarah, the operator.
Answer: You may be getting episodes mixed up. In the bar, Brian meets a girl and tries to explain what a book is by saying, 'it's the internet made out of tree.' Then they go have sex in the bathroom.