Beverly Hills, 90210

Spring Training - S1-E20

Continuity mistake: In season 1 episode 12 while playing ouija board Brenda says she "doesn't know any dead people", but in this episode it's revealed that her aunt died 2 years ago from cancer.

Perfect Mom - S1-E7

Continuity mistake: When Jackie walks out and Cindy walks in, she closes the door behind her. However, despite the door being closed, Brenda walks in. (00:36:05)

More mistakes in Beverly Hills, 90210

Brandon Walsh: It was good to see you back at the Peach Pit tonight. I know it took a lot of courage.
Brenda Walsh: Brandon, please, I've had quite enough praise for a while.
Brandon Walsh: All right, you're a huge loser. How's that?
Brenda Walsh: Oh, much better.

More quotes from Beverly Hills, 90210
More trivia for Beverly Hills, 90210

Chosen answer: Yes, she was.

More questions & answers from Beverly Hills, 90210

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