Alias mistake picture

Truth Be Told - S1-E1

Revealing mistake: When Syd's Dad rescues her in the car park, he starts shooting at the other car. After firing one shot the slide of his gun locks back (indicating it's out of bullets), but when the angle changes he carries on firing with no problems. (00:43:20)

Jon Sandys

Time Will Tell - S1-E8

Revealing mistake: When Sydney and her father go into the office to talk, the office doors begin to close before Sydney uses the remote to close them. (00:13:00)

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Sloane: Marshall, would you please go back to work?
Agent Marshall Flinkman: Just to clarify, I'm not being fired?
Sloane: Back to work means not fired.

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Trivia: Jack Bristow's full name is Jonathan Donahue Bristow.

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Show generally

Question: I only just saw the episode where Sydney finally kills Allison (Francie's clone), and wakes up two years later in Hong Kong. I really can't wait two more weeks until the following episodes explain everything, so could someone please post an explanation of what happened in those two years? Or link me to a website with one?

Answer: Go to, and then click on the Alias page. There is a summary of every episode.

Jane Doe

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