
Out of Gas - S1-E5

Continuity mistake: In the flashback where Mal and Zoë meet Jayne for the first time, every close-up of Mal and the one close-up of Zoë shows their hair blowing in the wind. But in the shots of them together, their hair is completely still.


Jaynestown - S1-E4

Visible crew/equipment: When Simon poses as a buyer and gets a muddy hand print on the back of his suit, he and the gang are given a tour of the mud complex. In the first shot, the shadow of a camera can be seen on the ground in the very bottom left corner of the screen.


Heart of Gold - S1-E13

Continuity mistake: When Mal and Nandi are talking and drinking on the couch, the position of Mal's left arm keeps changing between shots. In both the closeup shots of Mal and Nandi, his arm is resting next to her on the couch, but in the shot of them both, his arm is behind her.


The Message - S1-E15

Visible crew/equipment: Tracey threatens the crew with a gun on the bridge when he hears that they're about to call the cops. He says that he'll blow a hole right through Wash if they do. There is a shot of Mal saying "You mailed your ugly business to Zoë and me, Tracey." As he says this, a crew member's hand can be seen above them (through Serenity's windshield on the left of the screen) grabbing one of the pieces of fallen ice.


Ariel - S1-E8

Revealing mistake: Look at the pilot in the cockpit of the fake ambulance (that the crew made to infiltrate St. Mary's hospital) as it lands at the main entrance. It looks nothing like Wash, not even lifelike.


Trash - S1-E14

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Jayne is telling Simon and River to keep clear of Saffron, he is holding some things wrapped in tin foil (possibly food). He places them on a table next to him. River then calls Saffron a liar. In the following shot of Jayne, one of the food packets has been torn open. River later says that "Jayne" is a girl's name. The food packet that was torn open is now intact.


Our Mrs. Reynolds - S1-E3

Continuity mistake: When Shepherd Book tells everyone about the electrical nets, Jayne says, "One day you're gonna tell us all how a preacher knows so damn much about crime." Shepherd then turns to leave. But in the immediate close up of him and Mal, he turns to leave again.


Objects in Space - S1-E10

Continuity mistake: When Early drops an unconscious Mal down the hatch to his room, in the shot from above Mal falls with his arms by his side, but in the next shot when he lands, his arms are above his head and fall to his sides when he hits the ground.


Safe - S1-E7

Continuity mistake: When Kaylee asks Inara whether or not the Jiangyin Prairie Paradise plate would make a nice gift for Simon, the position of the plate rotates approximately 45 degrees to the right between shots in Kaylee's hands.


Safe - S1-E7

Continuity mistake: In the opening scene where Simon is talking to his father about his dedicated source box, a newspaper on the table in front of his father keeps moving between shots.


Safe - S1-E7

Continuity mistake: When the crew land on Jiangyin to sell their cattle, Jayne gets off the ship without a hat. But shortly afterwards he suddenly has one. He, nor anyone else was carrying one when they stepped off the ship.


Safe - S1-E7

Continuity mistake: As the crew leave Simon and River behind on Jiangyin, Simon's fringe changes between shots. In some there are 3 curled strands of hair, in others there are 2.


Ariel - S1-E8

Visible crew/equipment: When the fake ambulance that the crew made to infiltrate St. Mary's hospital lands at the main entrance, it lands on flat foot pads. But in the following shots the casters that were used to move the prop around the set are visible beneath the landing feet.


Shindig - S1-E6

Revealing mistake: During the bar fight at the beginning of the episode, Mal gets knocked over and then hits one of the slavers with a chair. The chair barely touches him yet he still falls to the floor.


Jaynestown - S1-E4

[About Jayne's statue.]
Wash: I think they captured him. Captured his esscence, you know?
Kaylee: He looks kinda angry.
Wash: That's kinda what I meant.

More quotes from Firefly

The Message - S1-E15

Trivia: The scene where Kaylee is in the engine room listening to Tracy's message again, on the work bench next to her hammock you can see a small figure of Han Solo frozen in carbonite from "Star Wars".

More trivia for Firefly

Show generally

Question: I've never seen the show myself, but I was wondering what kind of a name "Inara Serra" is. I'm assuming Inara is of Portuguese origin, but mostly because the actress was born in Brazil. Can someone please help me with this?

Answer: Inara is actually Arabic in origin; it means "ray of light" or alternatively "heaven sent". Serra, on the other hand, is Portuguese and means "mountain range" - derived from the same word in Latin, where it means 'saw' (as in the cutting implement, which a mountain range might resemble, rather than the act of seeing).


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