Band of Brothers
Band of Brothers mistake picture

Currahee - S1-E1

Continuity mistake: At the beginning when they show Meehan explaining that they're not going to jump because of fog, he is using his hands to emphasize the point, when they go back to the same point near the end of the episode, Meehan has his hands behind his back. (00:04:45 - 00:57:20)


Band of Brothers mistake picture

Carentan - S1-E3

Revealing mistake: When trying to take the warehouse, we see a German machine gun position in a lower window. Pay close attention to the brickwork below the window. There are several marks visible that all end up with a bullet hole in the middle of them, hiding the charge for the effect. (00:14:30)


Band of Brothers mistake picture

Carentan - S1-E3

Revealing mistake: When the guy shoots a bazooka into the building near the start, the outline of the hole that will be blown into the building is visible before it blows up. (00:15:40)


Band of Brothers mistake picture

Currahee - S1-E1

Continuity mistake: When Winters sees all the NCOs leaving the office, he has a pencil upright in his right hand in the one shot and lays down in his left hand in the next. (00:46:40)


Band of Brothers mistake picture

Currahee - S1-E1

Visible crew/equipment: When Sobel is being tricked out in the field about cutting the fence, his wet helmet reflects what seems to be a camera or filming equipment that is not visible in the wide shots. (00:38:05)


Band of Brothers mistake picture

Replacements - S1-E4

Continuity mistake: Just after the Sherman has knocked down the telephone pole we see two German guys up on a roof. In the long shot there is a bullet hole in the brickwork in front of them and in the close up it's gone. (00:34:30)


Band of Brothers mistake picture

Carentan - S1-E3

Revealing mistake: When the men are discussing if Spiers actually shot the prisoners we see a shot of German being shot in the knee, In this shot you can see the outline of the squib pack used for the effect. (00:26:50)


Band of Brothers mistake picture

Day of Days - S1-E2

Continuity mistake: Winters, just before the assault on the 88 Battery, holds up his hand to give a signal to the other members of the team. Camera cuts and he makes the signal again. (00:29:10)


Band of Brothers mistake picture

Currahee - S1-E1

Continuity mistake: Winters is helping the men to their feet to board the plane. The first person he helps up is shown from the back, so we can't see who it is. The next shot shows that person boarding the plane as Winters helps others to their feet. The person in this shot is Joe Toye. Then the scene switches back to Winters helping up the rest of the men one by one, so we can see their faces. The third person we see in this progression is Joe Toye again. (01:04:23)

Band of Brothers mistake picture

Currahee - S1-E1

Continuity mistake: When Sobel yells at pvt. Christensen for drinking out of his canteen during the night march, Christensen's helmet is wet when they film from behind, when the camera switches to the front it is dry. (00:14:30)

Crossroads - S1-E5

Revealing mistake: When Easy is paddling across the river to aid the British soldiers, there is a shot where the person closest to the camera (Bull Randleman) appears to be rowing, but there is nothing in his hands.

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Answer: To mess with him. A lot of the "regular" soldiers didn't respect or even like Webster early on because he was a college boy. That dislike and lack of respect was deepened when Webster took what they perceived to be an extended stay in hospital after being wounded when many of their other comrades - Popeye for example - left hospital early to get back with their friends to fight.

He couldn't leave hospital early because he was in England. The wound in Band of Brothers was perceived a lot less serious than it was, and a lot of easy men were happy to have him back, especially Luz.

If you read the literature around Band of Brothers, you'll find that Kenyon Webster was perceived as a slacker in the sense that, while not precisely a coward, would never volunteer to put himself in harm's way. He only did as told and nothing more. So, regardless of the reasons why he really couldn't go back to Easy, his friends were predisposed to feel he was slacking off at the hospital while they were risking their lives.


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