Band of Brothers

Band of Brothers (2001)

2 mistakes in The Patrol

(6 votes)

The Patrol - S1-E8

Visible crew/equipment: When The Patrol is on its way, one of the boats tilts over and some soldiers are screaming they can't swim. At some point during that scene there is a wide shot with in the background the other side and a skylight. Right in the middle of that shot on the other side you can see a man walking away wearing a orange vest or jacket of some sorts. Might be the pyro-guy. (00:33:15)

Sven van Leeuwen

The Patrol - S1-E8

Factual error: When Malarkey and Jones are talking at the window, you can see a shot of the village Haguenau. Actually it is almost the same set-up of Foy again. Refer to the church. (00:15:35)

More quotes from Band of Brothers

Trivia: 40 members of the cast had to go through a ten day bootcamp in which they were called by their roles in the series. Their boot camp instructor, Captain Dale Dye, was also in charge of doing the bootcamp for the main cast of Saving Private Ryan. Dye played the role of Colonel Robert Sink in the series, and a Colonel in the war department in the film. Dale Dye has also starred in, and been a military advisor on many other TV series and films for years, he's an extremely well respected man in the film industry.

Kelsey H.

More trivia for Band of Brothers

Replacements - S1-E4

Question: When Bull is hiding in the barn after being hit by shrapnel, he takes something from the end of his rifle and bites a big chunk off it and starts chewing. What is this?


Answer: He bit off a piece of a cigar.

Chosen answer: It's chewing tobacco.

Paul Plesser

More questions & answers from Band of Brothers

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