
2nd Oct 2011

General questions

I'm looking for a movie about a boy who always dreamed of a circus in his backyard. As he gets older he becomes sick and is in a wheelchair. So his family gives him a present and surprises him with a circus in his backyard.


Chosen answer: That sounds like "My Life" with Michael Keaton and Nicole Kidman. He's been diagnosed with cancer, she's pregnant, and he's not certain he'll live to see the birth of his child. Throughout the movie we get flashbacks to moments from his past as he deals with his condition and makes peace with the skeletons in his closet.


23rd Sep 2011

General questions

I am looking for a movie from the 80's. The movie begins with a family being chased in the woods. Each family member has a bracelet with multiple lights on it: one for each family member. When a member dies, the light goes out. I believe that both parents die. Any ideas?

Answer: This sounds like the second of the made-for-TV Star Wars: Ewok Adventure movies - Battle for Endor. The bracelets appear in the first one and the kids use them to assure themselves that their parents are still alive, but at the beginning of the second one, the ewok village where they've been living is attacked and all but Cindel (the young girl) are killed and the lights go out.


5th Mar 2010

General questions

I saw a movie when I was a kid in the early 80's, but I only remember a few parts, and I think it's a scary movie. Kids are in a school coatroom, when the school is closed. I also remember an angel or something at the end in a red dress, and there is a house on a beach side cliff that is lit on fire at the end. Does anyone know the name of this movie?

Answer: It sounds like you're describing Lady in White.


3rd Jan 2010

General questions

Hello. I'm looking for the title of a children's animated movie, probably 80's-90's, that features a villain with a glass eye and a black bird that constantly calls out: nevermore. At the end, a flock of these black birds covers the villain, and, when they disperse, all that's left is the villain's glass eye, suspended in midair, which then drops to the ground.

Answer: It sounds like "We're Back! A Dinosaur's Story". At the end of the movie, Professor Screweys is consumed by a murder of crows leaving behind the screw he had as an eye.


18th Sep 2008

General questions

I saw a movie at school in the 1980's in which the main character is a bank robber. There is a cop or fed on his trail for years. This man finally turns his life around and settles down in a small town. But, the cop shows up on the same day a child gets trapped in an airtight bank vault, that will be unopenable for days. If he saves her the cop will know who he is, but he cracks it open and saves the girl anyway. What is the name of this movie?

Lori Kaminsky

Chosen answer: That sounds like "No Deposit, No Return" with Don Knotts and Darren McGavin. McGavin plays a former safe cracker who has been off the grid for a few years. He and Knotts get caught up in a fake kidnapping (actually devised by the "kidnapped" girl). The kids end up trapped in their Grandfather's safe and McGavin has to get them out in front of the policeman that has been on his tail for years. I personally love the movie.


9th Mar 2008

General questions

I've noticed that occasionally, some of the no. 1 films at the box office are also some of the worst reviewed by critics. Why is this?

Cubs Fan

Chosen answer: The films are reviewed by critics, but attended by the regular movie-going public. Critics see every movie, so they have a tendency to get (a) jaded or (b) overly critical. They tire of plot devices and story lines that they have seen all too many times and often wish for more intelligent writing and witty dialogue. However the movie-going public is, admittedly, less demanding. They easily flock to movies that simply appeal to the masses.


25th Jan 2008

General questions

I am trying to identify the title a certain movie I saw as a child in the early 80s that has been etched in my mind for its disturbing content. I only remember bits and pieces, but I seem to remember a hero similar to "He Man" (in dress) who has a ring (it may have had an eye on it) that allows him see events transpiring in different places. I remember a fiery temple of some sort where the villains were sacrificing kids (and maybe adults also). The hero is called to save the innocent victims. Does anyone have an idea as to what this movie is?

Answer: That sounds like The Beastmaster staring Marc Singer. The ring, however, wasn't for his personal use. His enemy was actually using it to spy on him and his companions. When they found the eye in the ring, they poked it out with a burning stick. He did look a lot like He-Man, though.


8th Oct 2007

General questions

I watched a movie on TV sometime in the mid 80's. The scene that I remember was a young girl in a foyer of what looks like a mansion. The power was out, or the lights were off. There was a large mirror on the wall. The girl looked into it and a large black dragon started coming out of the mirror. For some reason I always thought it was some version of Alice in Wonderland, but I am really not sure. It may have been a Disney movie. Can anyone help?

Answer: It sounds like the start of the second half of a made for TV version of Alice in Wonderland. They did both Alice in wonderland and Alice Through the Looking Glass. The looking glass section starts with her running into the Jabberwocky. More info here.


12th Aug 2007

General questions

I am looking for an animated movie or TV show, that would have been from the 1980's I believe. I recall a skeleton that talks, jewels, and a hero-type character. They are at a cave-like place at night. I believe the skeleton was an obstacle that they had to get through, maybe asking password questions. I watched a lot of Carebears, My Little Pony, and Rainbow Brite. Can anyone help me figure this out?

Answer: It's kind of a vague description, but it sounds a bit like a scene from the Last Unicorn. There is a talking skeleton who they have to talk with to find the way to the Red Bull's lair. Though you could be thinking of another movie entirely.


1st May 2007

General questions

This is a black-and-white movie, where a man is staying in a house that is haunted. After a woman in the house takes him to his room, he notices her talking to a painting of a man and then kissing it good night. Earlier in the movie, when the man was saying goodbye to his wife, she didn't want him to touch her, so that her coat and hair wouldn't get dirty/messed up. I think she got on a train, but I'm not sure. Does anyone know what movie this is?

Answer: That would be "Young Frankenstein" with Gene Wilder (the man) and Madeline Kahn (his fiance, not wife). It's directed by Mel Brooks and a classic send-up of the horror genre.


28th Mar 2007

General questions

I can't remember the title of this children's film. It's a cartoon. Here's what I remember about it: It's about a little boy who must save a city (I think). Some random things that I remember are: he sees a bright light beneath a door in his house (it may have been a train coming through the house), at some point he is on his bed in the middle of an ocean or some large body of water, he arrives in a place that is very colorful and cheerful, with lots of hot airb alloons and toys. He gets a key at some point that he needs to use on a pair of huge doors. There are slimy / gooey monsters. Even if you aren't sure, I'd appreciate ANY possibility of what this movie might be. Thank you in advance.

Answer: It sounds a lot like Little Nemo: Adventures in Slumberland from 1989.


11th Mar 2007

General questions

Scene in this movie shows a girl standing in a circle of people and a large bell falls on her. Any ideas?

Answer: I believe you're thinking of The Watcher in the Woods. It's one of the first movies that stretched Disney away from the over-cute movies they are most known for. I very much enjoy it, but it can be creepy for the young'uns at times.


6th Mar 2007

General questions

I remember a trailer for a movie (or possibly tv show preview) in which a woman threatens to stab herself in the aorta, raising a pen to her throat, and a man informs her that the aorta is in the heart. Any idea what this is from?

Answer: You're thinking of Girl Interrupted. In the movie, Lisa (played by Angelina Jolie) threatens to stab herself in the aorta, but Valerie (played by Whoopie Goldberg) informs her that the aorta is in the chest.


25th Apr 2005

General questions

I remember a film as a child and have forgotten the name. A group of children go to stay at their grandparents' house in the country. One day they see a rainbow and decide to go to the end of it. When they get there they see a pot of gold and they meet a leprechaun. At the end of the film all I can remember is the leprechaun character walking off into the sunset with a taller man and the children going back to their parents' house.

Answer: I can't be completely certain, but it sounds like this may be "The Great Land of Small".


18th Dec 2005

General questions

Are there any new Star Trek movies or TV series in the works, or is the franchise officially dead?


Chosen answer: There are a number of rumors right now. No series mentioned, as of yet, but there us definitely work on a new movie. They don't expect it soon, but they do appear to be in the early, brainstorming stages. See here for more.


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