
Corrected entry: As Moss runs away after jumping out of the hotel window Chigurh shoots at him. There is a quick flash of light that allows us to see the silhouette of Chigurh standing in the room as he fires the shotgun and we see the pattern of pellets strike the sidewalk. We are supposed to believe that the flash of light was from the muzzle flash of the shotgun, but that is impossible. The muzzle flash would be in front of Chigurh, but in order to show Chigurh in silhouette the light source would have to be behind him.


Correction: The silhouette is visible because of the lit hallway, NOT because of the flash. It's visible all the time while he's jumping, EXCEPT when there's a flash.

Corrected entry: As Sheriff Bell approaches the door of the motel room in El Paso, we see Chigurh hiding behind it with his shotgun. However when the door is opened, we see no evidence of Chigurh - the light streams across the floor where his feet should be, but we don't see any feet. Also, the door bangs against the back wall, which it could not do if Chigurh were there.


Correction: This scene is meant to be symbolic - Chigurh is not really there, it's Bell imagining him being there, and "not seeing" him whether he's there or not - that ties in with the dreams in the end, of Bell feeling guilty because he consciously let someone get away with murder.

Correction: Chigurh was in the adjoining room. In the shots before Bell enters the hotel room, you see the police tape covers both room 114 and 112. Moss had likely rented both rooms, as he'd done before. Chigurh has taken out the lock in the adjoining room door and was behind that ready to shoot should Bell open that door as well.

No, he's not. If he was in the adjoining room, he would be behind the door, looking to his right. As shown, he is looking to his left as the door swings open to the right of the room. The adjoining room would have the door swinging open to the left.

Corrected entry: When Chigurh shoots the wall in the motel room in Del Rio we see an example of the pellet pattern produced by his shotgun at a distance of about 10 feet. Later Chigurh shoots Stephen Root from a distance greater than 10 feet, so the pellet pattern should have been even larger. This implies that the window behind Root should have been broken by the pellets that did not hit him.


Correction: Although it is not mentioned in the movie, the book explains that Chigurh was using small (10) shot so that the window would not be broken.


Correction: In the hotel scene, Chigurh is not using the suppressed shotgun. He is using what appears to be an MP5 with a suppressor. If you look at the windshield of the truck, there are single bullet holes instead of a pattern. Then when Moss shoots at Chigurh in the street, and Chigurh flees, Moss picks up the MP5 that Chigurh dropped.

Corrected entry: Sheriff Bell carries a Colt semi-automatic single action pistol. As he prepares to enter the motel room in El Paso we see him draw his pistol and cock the hammer. This implies that he was carrying the pistol with the hammer down with a round in the chamber, which would be very unlikely since it is well known that that is the most dangerous way to carry such a gun. The standard way that most professionals carry this gun is in a "cocked-and-locked" condition where the hammer is cocked and the thumb safety engaged.


Correction: Not a plot hole if a character is behaving dangerously.


Corrected entry: When Carson Wells spots the money briefcase from the bridge, it is in the bright sunlight. In the next scene we see him returning to his hotel at night, so obviously at least five hours have passed. We know that Wells did not retrieve the money, since Moss retrieves it later. It seems very unlikely that Wells would have just left the money on the riverbank after discovering where it was.


Correction: Carson Wells did not retrieve the money because he planned to wait until very late in the night when there was no one around to get it.

Correction: Wells did not retrieve the money because he knew Chigurh was also looking for it and intended to use its location as a bargaining chip. Unfortunately for Wells, his plan did not work out.

S. Ha

Corrected entry: Chigurh calls Moss's mother-in-law from a pay phone. When he hangs up the phone we do not hear the coin mechanism cycle in the phone, even though the camera is very close to the phone.


Correction: If he used an operator, and a credit card, there would be no coins to drop.


Highly doubtful a hired professional hitman would use a credit card to make a phone call.

Corrected entry: Early in the movie Moss asks his wife "When would you stop looking for your $2 million?" implying that he knows there are 2 million dollars in the case. That implies he must have counted the money. But if he counted the money surely he would have found the transponder. How could he miss all those $1 bills (that the transponder was encased in) when they should have been $100 bills?


Correction: Because the bands that hold the bills together have the numerical value "$10,000" printed on them. Moss counted the number of stacks and added four zeros to that number. There must have been 200 stacks in the case.


Corrected entry: When Llewelyn is being chased by the Mexicans in the truck he is carrying his large pistol in a "Mexican carry" - meaning he just has it tucked in the waistband of his pants - at the small of his back. We can see the gun when he takes off his coat to dive into the river. Anyone who has ever tried to carry a heavy pistol in this manner knows it is very insecure. It is not believable to think that Llewelyn could tuck that large pistol in his waistband, run a few hundred yards, dive in a river and swim 50 yards without the gun falling out.


Correction: Depends entirely on how tight your belt is.


Corrected entry: When Chigurh shoots the Mexican in the shower at close range with his shotgun if should have produced a much bigger mess than was depicted in the film.


Correction: Not necessarily. Depends on several factors like what kind of shot he's using, etc.


Corrected entry: The motel rooms in both Del Rio and El Paso have large central air vents, convenient for hiding money. However the exterior shots of both motels show that the rooms are equipped with AC units mounted under the window (as evidenced by the large exterior vent under the window). It is very unlikely that both motels would use both a central air system and separate AC room units.


Correction: The motels do not have AC units large enough for central air, so the window units are installed in each room. However the ducts shown are not for AC, they provide heat from the furnace during the few colder months.


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