Super Grover

21st Jun 2004

Peter Pan (2003)

Revealing mistake: When Michael is riding Nana down the hallway towards the bath, he is naked, though it is plain to see that his entire body is not seen even when he flips, it is simply skin coloring. This part of his body was digitally augmented, as he was filmed wearing a covering on his privates. (00:02:40)

Super Grover

21st Jun 2004

Peter Pan (2003)

Revealing mistake: Pippin's height reaches the circular carvings on the wall near the front door and behind Gandalf's cot, when he walks towards Gandalf to steal the palantir. However, after Pip's contact with Sauron, the heights of Aragorn, Legolas and Gandalf are now about the same as Pippin's in the previous shots, when standing near the same carvings! When Gandalf pushes Merry out of the way in the wide shot, this short Merry would barely reach the height of the shelf behind Gimli which is way below the carvings. (00:19:45 - 00:21:25)

Super Grover

21st Jun 2004

Peter Pan (2003)

Revealing mistake: Jason Isaac's stunt double is easily seen in quite a few shots, for example when Hook duels with Peter on the Jolly Roger. His hairline is lower and the shape of his beard is different. (01:32:25)

Super Grover

21st Jun 2004

Peter Pan (2003)

Revealing mistake: When John thrusts his sword at Wendy and she ducks, the sword lands between the books causing them to topple forward, off the shelf. The books actually start to fall before the blade even touches them. (00:01:50)

Super Grover

Revealing mistake: After entering Minas Tirith with Faramir and his men, Faramir stares at Pippin who sits in front of Gandalf. In Pippin's close-up, one of Gandalf's hands hold his staff and the other is on Pippin. These are not Ian McKellan's (Gandalf) hands and this occurs quite a few times throughout the film, as when Gandalf yells, "Fool of a Took" and places his hand on Merry's shoulder. McKellan's hands are seen many times in the film and among the differences; he has age spots (the actor is currently in his sixties) on his hands. (00:55:25)

Super Grover

Revealing mistake: At Edoras, Merry and Pippin sing the song about the Green Dragon while dancing on the table. When Merry kicks Gamling's mug of ale off the table, Merry's foot gets thinner and partially disappears in this shot as does Pippin's foot in the next shot as he kicks up. (00:13:55)

Super Grover

Revealing mistake: At Minas Tirith, Grond destroys the door and the Trolls attack. Gandalf charges at one Troll in particular and proceeds to slash the Troll in the belly, and the Troll drops down, yet Gandalf's sword never even touches the Troll at all. (01:48:30)

Super Grover

Revealing mistake: At Dunharrow, Merry watches as everyone rides off, and in the shot of his back Éowyn's fingertips reach his right shoulder. In the next front close-up, she's still further back, note her fingers behind his head, but he starts to rise off the ground even as her hand is just coming closer. (01:26:05)

Super Grover

Revealing mistake: During the charge of the Rohirrim on the Pelennor fields, there is a close-up of Éomer. His spear is held in his right hand, he tosses it up and amazingly changes his hand position on the spear in mid-air as he rides. Another rider is behind Éomer to his left and as this man rides the spear he holds above his head bobs up and down like rubber, as does the spear behind Éomer's right shoulder. (02:00:30)

Super Grover

Revealing mistake: When the Orcs attack Osgiliath, Faramir takes his sword and it appears as if he plunges it into the belly of an Orc. However, he really turns the sword before it hits the Orc and the tip coming out of the back of the Orc is CG. The angle of his hand on the hilt as the blade penetrates and the CG blade in the Orc's back do not line up. (00:46:20)

Super Grover

Revealing mistake: In Osgiliath, while the Gondorians battle the Orcs, in quite a few shots it's obvious that the fighting is staged. In one shot in particular a helmeted Orc slams his double blade axe into the chest of a Ranger, yet it's clear that the sharp axe does not leave any mark whatsoever as he falls to the ground. (00:52:00)

Super Grover

Revealing mistake: In Osgiliath, when Faramir's lieutenant shots, "Faramir" and the men fire arrows at the Orcs, some of these arrows disappear and reappear in the Orcs. (00:52:15)

Super Grover

Revealing mistake: In Shelob's lair Frodo runs away from her and points the light of Eärendil at Shelob to keep her at bay. He then dives, head first, down a sloped passage and as he does both of his knee pads are seen. (01:42:10)

Super Grover

Revealing mistake: After stabbing Shelob the last time, Sam picks up the light of Eärendil and trips near Frodo's body. As Sam hits the ground his right knee pad is visible. (01:52:00)

Super Grover

Revealing mistake: After Sam rolls down Shelob's back, he holds Sting up towards Shelob and as she advances forward Sam trips and falls back. In the shot facing Sam as he falls, when he hits the ground his left knee pad is seen. (01:51:05)

Super Grover

Revealing mistake: Faramir and his men retreat towards Minas Tirith, someone shouts, "Take cover, my lord! It's coming!" In this shot Faramir starts to duck from the Nazgul overhead and seen to his left are his men. After Gandalf rides towards them and a Nazgul lifts a horse and its rider, Faramir is ducking again with the same men to his left in the same positions as the earlier shot. Obviously this is the same sequence that was edited to include shots in between. (00:53:55)

Super Grover

Revealing mistake: After Aragorn is crowned king he greets Legolas and they place their hands on each other's shoulder. In the shot facing Aragorn when he starts to move toward Arwen, the semi profile seen on Legolas is not Orlando Bloom, but that of his double. In the previous shot facing Legolas, Aragorn and the Elf are the same height and eye level, but in the shot facing Aragorn, Legolas is considerably taller. (02:55:05)

Super Grover

The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King mistake picture

Revealing mistake: After Arwen's vision, an escort says to her, "We cannot delay," and in the wideshot as she turns her horse around, the face of the riding double is perfectly visible. (00:28:25)

Super Grover

Revealing mistake: In Arwen's vision, as the child (which she realized to be her future child with Aragorn) runs past the plants in the wide shot, the area between his knees and ankles become very thin, dark and partially disappear, then reappear while he runs. However when he reaches the steps and stone ground within the same vision, his legs are normal again, as he was filmed on that set, whereas he was 'pasted' among the greenery. His upper body though, remains normal throughout this shot. As soon as he reaches the stone floor, which is the set that he was filmed on, his legs are normal again along with the rest of his body. There should be no differentiation in the appearance and disappearance of part of his legs between the backdrop of greenery or the stone of Minas Tirith within the one vision, but there is. (00:27:05)

Super Grover

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