
15th Sep 2010

Inception (2010)

Corrected entry: In the scene within the "dream limbo", Cobb convinces his wife to kill themselves by lying down on the railway track and getting by a train. This would be impossible because they were in limbo, there should have been no one else there to drive the train.


Correction: It's a dream, where they've been creating entire elaborate buildings that simply spring into existence according to their whim. Creating a train that runs on automatic would be a simple task by comparison.


25th Aug 2010

Sunshine (2007)

Corrected entry: Cappa's last message to his family is seen to arrive directly before the sunshine brightens and the end credits roll, a long time after it was sent. Although sound waves travel at a low speed (about 340 m/s), all electromagnetic radiation (including radio transmissions) travels at the speed of light (300 000 000 m/s). Thus the eight minute travel time specified for light emanating from the sun would also apply to radio communications.

Correction: It's not seen specifically to arrive - it's seen being watched. When a message like that arrives, it would be unthinkable for his family not to save it and watch it multiple times. Capa's sister is simply watching it again while her kids are busy playing.


2nd Sep 2010

Inception (2010)

Correction: The point is that the owner should be the only one who knows the precise physical characteristics of the totem. As Mal is dead, she's out of the equation, so there's nothing to stop Dom from using it.


Corrected entry: The scene at the end of the movie, where Balthazar and Horvath are facing off in Dave's Tesla coil laboratory, has Horvath throwing Balthazar across the room. Balthazar smashes against a large coiled copper contraption, and Horvath makes it curl the pipes around Balthazar's hands so he cannot escape. Balthazar keeps the bad guy talking and freezes the metal tubing, eventually breaking it and getting free. However, this tube is copper tubing. It is commonly used in labs when working with liquid nitrogen. Liquid N2 is at -200 or so degrees Centigrade (-346 F). If that touched his hand for a moment, it would have caused personal damage. Not to mention, copper tube doesn't break at that temperature, not with bare human hands trying to break it.

Correction: He's a magician. If he can defy the laws of physics by magically freezing something down to a point when it's capable of shattering, he can protect his hands while he's doing it. It's magic - factual errors don't really apply.


18th Aug 2010

Star Wars (1977)

Corrected entry: The soldiers inside the blockade runner hear the ship docking with the star destroyer before the two ships even come in contact.

Ed Y

Correction: What they're hearing is the effect of the tractor beam that the Star Destroyer's using to pull the blockade runner into its docking bay. Parts of the ship are flexing under the strain.


Corrected entry: When Wai Lin was tied up in the chain and dropped in the water why didn't she either climb up the chain (her hands were partly free) or kick up to the surface? While the climbing might have been difficult, the kick swimming to the surface should have been easy.


Correction: She's wrapped in a heavy metal chain, weighing her down.


Corrected entry: When Picard, Worf and Hawke step onto the hull to remove the plating the Borg are working on, there's a big deal made of the fact they have to magnetise their space suits to avoid floating away. This is even shown explicitly when Picard demagnetises himself, floats away to the other side and magnetises again to land himself. How then, is he able to just lay his phaser rifle on the hull so he can work on a locked console without it floating off into space?

Correction: There has to be a force acting on something for it to fly away. Picard and his compatriots are walking, so, if their boots weren't magnetised, the force of their steps would cause them to float away. With the rifle, however, it's just an inanimate object, there are no forces involved. As such Picard can just rest it against the hull, without having to worry about losing it.] [And, more to the point, if you listen when they set their rifles down, you can hear the same sound that occurred when they activated their boots. That is done to indicate that they're using a magnetic system to keep the gun on the hull of the ship.


Utterly disproven by the fact that the very purpose they're out there is to release the clamps holding down the stationary deflector dish. What happens when they do? It floats away... The rifle should too.

Corrected entry: After the hot bath scene, Jennifer locks the door with a bolt lock. In a normal house these locks are inside the bathroom, not outside.

Correction: In a normal house, certainly this is true. However, Jennifer has carefully planned out her revenge, luring her victim back to the cabin in order to kill him. She changed the location of the lock in order to keep him trapped in the bathroom while he bleeds to death.


3rd Aug 2010

Salt (2010)

Corrected entry: When the Russian Vice President's death is being announced on TV, his life is shown from 19xx - 2011. But it is not even 2011 yet. Probably the movie was originally planned to be released in 2011.

Correction: So what? Films can be set in any year they choose - if nothing else in the movie contradicts the idea that the film takes place in 2011, then the fact that it's only 2010 in the real world is utterly irrelevant.


3rd Aug 2010

Inception (2010)

Corrected entry: In the first layer of the dream, you have the car flipping repeatedly. In the second layer, the whole world is also spinning. But in the third layer, they are not spinning, even though they would also be spinning in the second layer. To be put briefly, the effects from the first layer carry on to the second layer, but not the third.

Correction: Now explain why that's a mistake. As far as can be told from observing the film, that's simply how things happen, that events occurring in one level can be felt on the level immediately below it, but the effect doesn't continue further down (potentially due to the time distortion, but that's conjecture, and the cause is irrelevant anyway). If you feel that that's incorrect, then I suggest that you resubmit, with evidence taken from the film rather than your own opinion.


2nd Aug 2010

Sherlock Holmes (2009)

Corrected entry: Sherlock Holmes says that the toxin can be made only with some herbals found in the Black Sea Region of Turkey. Turkey was founded in 1923. The movie time line must be before 1894, because the Tower Bridge was opened in that year. Turkey at that time was called Anatolia, and was part of the Ottoman Empire. (01:58:10 - 01:58:55)

Correction: The present-day country of Turkey was only created in 1923, true. However, the name predates the modern country by many centuries; Turk, as a term for a specific ethnic group of people, goes back well over a millenium, with the Ottoman Empire being referred to informally throughout its existence as the Turkish Empire or, simply, Turkey. See, for example, this map, dated 1817, which clearly uses the term "Turkey" to refer to the area.


30th Jul 2010

Goldfinger (1964)

Corrected entry: When the plane carrying Bond and Pussy Galore to the White House goes down, it crashes into the ocean. But the plane was going from Fort Knox, Kentucky to Washington D.C. The plane wouldn't have passed over the Atlantic Ocean or any of the Great Lakes en route to Washington D.C.


Correction: The plane has been hijacked by Goldfinger, who intends to take it to Cuba, a journey which obviously involves crossing some water.


30th Jul 2010

Quantum of Solace (2008)

Correction: Incorrect. When we last see M in Casino Royale, Bond is talking to her from the boat that he has in Venice. We then see Bond in the final scene at Lake Como, which is about 150 miles away from Venice. Clearly a considerable amount of time has passed since they spoke, more than enough for M to have travelled to Italy along with her staff and the new Aston Martin that Bond uses in the opening chase sequence of Quantum of Solace.


17th Jul 2010

Monsters, Inc. (2001)

Corrected entry: When Sully, Boo, and Mike are riding the door and Boo screams, only one door is activated. When she laughs in the same scene, every single door is activated. Near the end of the movie it is revealed that laughter is 10X more powerful than screams. In that case, only 10 doors should have been activated from her laugh.

Correction: Far too speculative. Clearly a child screaming must be able to power more than a single door, otherwise the activities at Monsters Inc. would be pointless, as it would take the same amount of power to collect a scream as that scream would later provide. There are far too many factors that go unaddressed in the film to make any definitive statement. For example, we know nothing about the comparable effective ranges of a scream and a laugh. From what we see in the film, a laugh can clearly provide power over a very large area, whereas a scream appears far more limited. It may simply be that the single door was the only one close enough to Boo to be powered by her scream, but when she laughed, there was enough power to fire up every door within range.


11th May 2010

Iron Man 2 (2010)

Corrected entry: When Pepper and Tony Stark are in the CEO office, just before Tony takes the expo model home, a few things go wrong. Look behind Pepper and see the word Stark, from Stark Industries, appearing and disappearing behind Pepper. Then when Tony Stark opens the door, he looks at the model over his left shoulder. Next shot, he's looking over his right shoulder and is eating a strawberry from the punet he has just thrown in the bin.


Correction: The appearance/disappearance of the Stark sign appears to be simply related to the angle of the shot. And Stark clearly takes a strawberry from the punnet before dropping it in the bin - his movements are very clear as he takes one and puts it in his mouth.


12th May 2010

Iron Man 2 (2010)

Corrected entry: At the end of the movie, Tony stark sits at a desk with the Initiative preliminary report before him. Before he picks up the report in the foreground for a few moments you can see a news report with an Asian female reporter. However, this report has been looped as you see the same people walk past the reporter twice and her making the same facial expressions.


Correction: Of course it's looped. This isn't live - it would be a bit too much of a coincidence for the Hulk's battle at Culver University to be being reported live at that very moment. This is an earlier report on that battle that SHIELD have recorded; as such, hardly unreasonable for it to be displayed in a looped format.


It's an extremely short loop, is my point. Like, 3 seconds.


Corrected entry: The news/weather man announces that the marine offenses act was passed unanimously. But when the cabinet were shown voting on it, several of them didn't vote for it.


Correction: There's no way that John could actually know that several ministers failed to vote for it - all he has to go on is whatever press release the government sent out. If that said that the act passed unanimously, then it's not a mistake for John to repeat that.


11th May 2010

Sunshine (2007)

Corrected entry: In the scene where Capa is the only man in the spacesuit and two other crew members have to jump with him through space, the two other crew members would not survive. The difference in pressure between space (0kg/cm^2)) and Earth (1kg/cm^2) would surely cause the astronauts' bodies to leak or explode. Therefore Harvey would not even have time to become frozen: he would sooner begin to leak and be torn apart by the pressure inside of him. The same goes for the other guy (the one who makes it without the suit).


Correction: Yet another one who's fallen for the whole "humans explode in space" myth. Sorry to break it to you, but it's completely untrue; the human skin is way tougher than that. NASA estimates that a human being could survive without protection in space for at least thirty seconds without serious long-term effects. What we see in the film is entirely plausible.


4th May 2010

Doctor Who (2005)

Flesh and Stone (2) - S5-E5

Corrected entry: In "Blink" the angels are unable to move at times when no one's watching them. The explanation being that the audience are. But in "Flesh and Stone" the angels are able to move on screen.


Correction: This is a stylistic choice by the programme makers. In "Blink", the Angels were not seen to move directly - while the choice was made in that episode to present the actions of the Angels as if the audience were observers, this is purely for dramatic purposes; the audience are obviously not, in fact, present. In the later episodes, this conceit was dispensed with, allowing the Angels to be seen to move directly when no character was able to observe them.


Corrected entry: Io tells Perseus that no man had ever ridden a Pegasus before, implying that Perseus would be the first; however, Perseus is not a man but a demigod, and as such he cannot be the first "man" to ride a Pegasus.


Correction: Io tells Perseus what he needs to hear to get him moving; that doesn't have to be the absolute truth. Perseus, as it made pretty clear throughout, hates the fact that he's a demigod and is shown to reject to the point of irrationality anything related to the Gods. Telling him that he'd be the first demigod to ride a pegasus would be more likely to make him stalk off to find something else, probably while shouting that he "can do this as a MAN!" By equating him with mankind and leaving out any reference to his divine ancestry, Io is able to point him in the right direction without risking him taking offence.


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