
Question: Why was Boromir allowed to join the Fellowship of the Ring? Since he is vulnerable to the Ring's corruption.


Chosen answer: Virtually everyone was vulnerable to the Ring's power to some extent, even Frodo Baggins. Frodo's purity of heart and incorruptibility made him the least affected by the Ring and made him the only logical choice to actually carry it for the duration of the mission; but EVERYBODY was vulnerable to its seductive power, some just more so than others.

Charles Austin Miller

But prior when the Fellowship was formed, he was tempted by the ring. He even tried to convince the council that bring the ring to Gondor would destroy Sauron. So why did Gandalf or Elrond accepts Boromir as a member of the Fellowship?


Well, Boromir's younger brother, Faramir, would probably have been a better choice for the Fellowship, if he had been available. But Faramir wasn't available and Boromir was. Boromir also wasn't actually "chosen" for the Fellowship, he simply went along out of loyalty to Aragorn. Gandalf and Elrond may have suspected Boromir's weakness (possibly even as a threat to the Fellowship), but Boromir was a seasoned warrior whose skills in battle would be valuable on this incredibly dangerous mission. Also, you may recall that Boromir wasn't even nearly as weak or unbalanced in the actual Tolkein story; rather, director Peter Jackson made Boromir more of a loose cannon in the film, which is not how he was portrayed in the book. In other words, Jackson wanted an even more unbalanced element threatening the Fellowship from within, so he amplified Boromir's weaknesses.

Charles Austin Miller

Chosen answer: Yes, the Sith Rule of Two requires that the master kill the apprentice and claim a new one, or the apprentice kill the master and become master himself.

Then why didn't Vader do anything about it?


He quite famously threw the Emperor down a shaft. :-) Presumably he was still benefiting from the relationship. The Emperor knows how it goes too - they would have stayed in partnership until the deciding moment came, both thinking they'd be the one to triumph, but ultimately one of them would be wrong.

I mean prior when Palpatine is torturing Luke.


While Anakin without the suit could have been more powerful than the Emperor, as Darth Vader, he is definitely not more powerful and would easily be defeated if he attempted anything. The Emperor's force lightning would damage his suit easily.

Do you mean during the timeline in the Original trilogy that Darth Vader knows that his master is going to replace him? Just like what happened to Dooku, whom Anakin killed in front of Sidious.


The rule of two is a Sith philosophy, so yes he knew. According to the rule the master will always be seeking a stronger apprentice, while the apprentice will seek to become the master.

Answer: The reason why Vader didn't do anything is a character decision. Likely Palpatine being a master of manipulation beat into Vader's head that Vader need him in order to function as a leader.

Answer: Most likely to emphasize the power of the ring to corrupt men. It shows that Faramir was actually the stronger brother, because he was able to resist its power.

You mean that Faramir should have joined the Fellowship? Because I think if he joins the Fellowship, he would be corrupted. Or Is Faramir more stronger than Boromir?


Boromir is most motivated by glory for Gondor, whereas Faramir is most motivated by honor. Boromir was therefore more susceptible to the Ring's corruptive influence than Faramir was as the Ring has great power which Boromir believes Gondor could use to defeat Sauron. Faramir understands that the Ring must be destroyed at all costs, any other course of action is futile, and therefore dishonorable. Hence, he is able to resist the Ring's influence.


Chosen answer: He is more like a "secret" antagonist. The mystery of who is behind the events in this movie cannot be revealed by the poster.


But he's the main antagonist of the movie.


But that's only revealed at the end of it.


Answer: Plus, he's played by an great actor.


It's what's known as a "reveal." Yes, he's played by a famous actor, and yes he's the main antagonist. But the audience isn't meant to know that until later in the film. It's supposed to come as a surprise. If he was on the posters (like Darth Vader was for the original films), audiences would go in expecting him to be the main villain, and wouldn't be surprised at the reveal.

Are you saying that if he's on the poster, the audience will judge that he's the main villain of the movie?


The problem is he is only in the end of the movie. If he was on the poster people will expect him sooner and be disappointed.

Well he is not in the end of the movie. He is just in the middle, though. But why do you say disappointed? I am quite disappointed at first that the main antagonist is not even on the poster.


I am sorry for my mistake saying "He is not in the end of the movie". But what am I going to say is He appears in the middle, though.


Question: When the Fellowship are on the side of the mountain and arguing about which direction to take, Gandalf says "Let the ring bearer choose". Why does Gandalf say that? He knows that Frodo has enough on his plate, what with taking the ring all the way to Mordor, so why add to his problems by making Frodo decide the way to go?

Answer: Because, like it or not, he's the leader of this quest. Gandalf is only a guide; Aragorn, Boromir, Legolas, and Gimli are Frodo's guardians, while the other three Hobbits are simply companions. Besides, Frodo's the one carrying the increasingly burdensome ring. If he thinks one path easier than another then that's his call.


Answer: Because he is the ring-bearer. Frodo must decide on where the ring could take safely take them.


Answer: Gandalf is the leader of the fellowship, therefore he must decide the group where to go and what course of action takes place next. Frodo is just the ring bearer not the leader of the fellowship.

Question: I know this is an opinionated question. Can someone give me the top 10 most powerful characters in Star Wars?


Chosen answer: It really is impossible to give a completely accurate list about this, as there are many meanings to the word "power", and no measuring unit for it.Anyways, these are just my opinions.Here's my attempt: 1. DARTH SIDIOUS/PALPATINE - He was able to use "force stealth" on the Jedi. Plus, he is the Dark Lord of the Sith. He was able to kill his master (Darth Plagueis) in his sleep. 2. YODA - The Grand Master of the Jedi Order. He can control the force lightning of Sidious and Tyranus. It was said that only Mace Windu, Count Dooku and Palpatine were able to fight with him on equal terms. 3. DARTH VADER - He is an extremely powerful in the force by lifting objects without using his hands, able to defeat Jedi Master Obi Wan Kenobi. 4. DARTH TYRANUS/COUNT DOOKU - A menacing Sith Lord and a rogue Jedi. Though old already, he was able to defeat Obi Wan twice and Anakin once. He could use a force lightning ability which Darth Maul and Darth Vader couldn't do. Sidious, Yoda and Windu are considered his equals.He was the swordsman in the galaxy. 5. MACE WINDU - A higher rank of the Jedi Order. Considered one of the greatest swordsmen ever produced by the Jedi Order. He was a master of all seven forms of lightsaber combat. He began his development of the deadly form of combat known as Vaapad. 6. OBI-WAN KENOBI - A wise and brave Jedi Master. He was the first one who kill a Sith Lord Ever. Aside from Darth Maul, he defeated General Griveous and the Pre Darth Vader version. He was able to appear as a force ghost after his death. 7. DARTH MAUL - Wielded a double bladed lightsaber and he was a skilled Zabrak warrior. Very fast in a lightsaber duel. He even resurrects in the Clone Wars Series. 8. LUKE SKYWALKER -The greatest Jedi of all time. He is able to redeem his father to the light, which Obi-wan couldn't do. 9. QUI-GON JINN - A maverick and wise Jedi master. He had used the Force to help and protect Anakin all the way. 10. ANAKIN SKYWALKER - The Chosen One and he was prophesied to destroy the Sith, which he did in the end. *HONORABLE MENTION* - GENERAL GRIEVOUS - though not knowing the ways of the force, he is a skilled lightsaber combatant. With four arms with lightsabers, he could block himself from blasters.


This needs an update. Merge Anakin with Vader since they're one and the same and add in Kylo Ren and Rey. New Order: 1. Emperor Palpatine/Darth Sidious 2. Yoda 3. Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker 4. Kylo Ren/Ben Solo 5. Rey "Skywalker" 6. Count Dooku/Darth Tyranus 7. Mace Windu 8. Obi-Wan Kenobi 9. Darth Maul 10. Luke Skywalker Honorable Mentions - Leia Organa, Qui-Gon Jinn, General Grievous.

Shawn M. Milburn

Sidious isn't the most powerful force user. Luke Skywalker, Mace Windu and Yoda overpowered him. Obi-Wan could probably beat him too. Sidious' powers lay in his secrecy and intrigue. Only that way he survived. Not his force use.


Question: Are there Slytherins who fought in the battle of Hogwarts? JK Rowling said that the reinforcements from Slughorn was Slytherin. Although it was not mentioned in the book and in the movie. But is this true that the reinforcements are Slytherin?

Answer: Since JK Rowling is the author and said that Slytherins are the reinforcements of Slughorn, then it is most likely true that there were Slytherins who fought in the battle.


Answer: All the Slytherin students were in the dungeons. Slughorn definitely was a Slytherin as stated in the book. And unless you explicitly mean fighting on the Hogwarts side, everyone on Voldemort's side is Slytherin.

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