fan before the site

22nd Jul 2003

28 Days Later (2002)

Corrected entry: If one of the soldiers told Jim later on that the head soldier lied and that the virus never left the island, why didn't they just go searching for a boat to get to civilization, especially since they were desperate for women and only men were coming to the shelter (the piles of dead bodies at the place they took to try and execute Jim)?

fan before the site

Correction: Farrell said it was his OPINION that the virus had never left Britain - and the other soldiers held him in very low regard, so they wouldn't care what he thought. Anyway, the piles of bodies were more likely to be those of infected that had tried to enter the mansion.

9th Jul 2003

28 Days Later (2002)

Corrected entry: When the main characters first got to the area they heard broadcast, there were citizen's cars parked in front with luggage, just like theirs, When they got to the house, there weren't other people. Didn't they think that was a bit fishy?

fan before the site

Correction: They did, Selena says right off that something isn't right and they should get out of there, but before they can the soldiers arrive. They are basically forced to go to the army base.


9th Jul 2003

28 Days Later (2002)

Corrected entry: The movie implies that infected people will eventually starve to death. Wouldn't they die of dehydration first? They should've all been dead when Jim woke from his coma.

fan before the site

Correction: The very first infected people probably were dead when Jim woke from his coma, but they kept infecting more people who would then live until they starved, infecting more people along the way. By the end of the movie there was no one left to infect.

16th Jul 2003

28 Days Later (2002)

Corrected entry: When they got to the shelter, the head soldier told them the virus wiped out Paris and New York. There is no way the virus can travel overseas. If an infected person could get on a plane (unlikely, given the very rapid effect), he/she would attack everyone and the plane would go down.

fan before the site

Correction: The virus in fact did NOT reach Paris and New York. The head soldier was lying in order to gain control of those people. Another soldier explains to Jim later on that there was no way the virus could have travelled off the island.

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