
7th May 2004

Erin Brockovich (2000)

Continuity mistake: Erin gets some information from a toxicologist. When she asks him about the dangers of chromium VI they are walking down a hallway, but when he answers her question they are outside the building. Maybe an intended continuity break, but a very wrong-looking one. (00:30:45)


7th May 2004

Erin Brockovich (2000)

Continuity mistake: When Erin enters the back office of the water board she has her bag under her arm and nothing in her hands. When the camera angle changes to the supervisor's perspective as she says "It's impressive." she holds her sunglasses with both hands. (00:33:35)


7th May 2004

Erin Brockovich (2000)

Continuity mistake: When Erin comes to the chicken-fat lady the second time, she knocks at the door. When the camera angle changes she is at least a meter away from the door, although the background noises suggest continuity. (00:20:35)


7th May 2004

Erin Brockovich (2000)

Continuity mistake: After Ed spills his coffee over his shirt the stains on his shirt vanish without trace when he talks to Erin. (00:12:55)


7th May 2004

The Mother (2003)

Continuity mistake: After May and Darren make love he gets up and puts his pants on. We see him closing his belt, but in the next shot where his pants are visible the belt is open again. (01:09:40)


6th May 2004

Erin Brockovich (2000)

Continuity mistake: When Erin gets some information from a former PG&E employee whose job at Hinckley was to destroy evidence on the test well readings etc. they are sitting at a table nibbling peanuts. In close-up the areas around their hands are covered with shells, but when the camera changes to a wider angle all shells are gone. (01:53:05)


2nd May 2004

Lethal Weapon (1987)

Continuity mistake: After Murtaugh teams up with Riggs they walk through a parking garage. A police car drives by them twice (at walking speed, with its lights on - in the garage), first in a closer, then in a wider shot, while the dialogue continues, ruling out any artistic intention of this repetition. (00:20:25)


2nd May 2004

Lethal Weapon (1987)

Continuity mistake: The lawn in front of Dixie's house turns completely into naked dry soil at the end of the scene, even at places where it should not be really affected by the extinguishing operations. (00:57:25)


2nd May 2004

Lethal Weapon (1987)

Continuity mistake: The pattern of scars on Riggs' face changes when he comes to deliver his bullet to Murtaugh: The two cuts on his left cheek become three, and the lesions on his chin disappear. (01:39:40)


2nd May 2004

Lethal Weapon (1987)

Continuity mistake: The bad wound on Murtaugh's left shoulder (the one which got salted) disappears when he and Riggs drive back to his house. (01:32:35)


2nd May 2004

Lethal Weapon (1987)

Continuity mistake: Shortly before the General's car gets hit by the bus the dead driver is leaning towards the side window. When the camera angle changes to inside the car his head is hanging forward. (01:30:30)


2nd May 2004

Lethal Weapon (1987)

Continuity mistake: After Murtaugh shoots the General's driver the car is swerving around and the dead guy loses his sunglasses, but they jump back on his nose for the rest of the scene. (01:30:20)


2nd May 2004

Lethal Weapon (1987)

Continuity mistake: When Murtaugh meets the General's people in the desert the door of his car gets blown open by the helicopter. When he pulls out the grenade the door is almost closed again. (01:16:10)


2nd May 2004

Lethal Weapon (1987)

Continuity mistake: When Murtaugh drops Riggs off in the desert it's sunset, but when we see the car in the next shot the sun is way up again. (01:12:55)


2nd May 2004

Lethal Weapon (1987)

Continuity mistake: When Riggs and Murtaugh kick Murtaugh's front door open they must have damaged the lock, but when the door falls closed the lock sounds as if it is perfectly OK. (01:09:15)


2nd May 2004

Lethal Weapon (1987)

Continuity mistake: During the drive-by shooting it's raining heavily. When Riggs and Murtaugh leave the scene by car the streets are dry, but when they arrive at Murtaugh's house they are wet again. (01:08:10)


2nd May 2004

Lethal Weapon (1987)

Continuity mistake: When Riggs sees the car with Mr. Joshua coming he pushes the hooker away and starts running, but when he is shot at it looks as if he was standing with his back to a shop window. Accordingly, his bullet-proof vest has holes in the front, but then his red jacket has only holes in the back. (01:05:50 - 01:07:15)


2nd May 2004

Lethal Weapon (1987)

Continuity mistake: The kids in front of Dixie's house change positions between shots when they shout after Riggs and Murtaugh, like the one with the baseball cap who sits up. Furthermore, this little guy can't help glimpsing at the camera for a second. (00:55:40)


2nd May 2004

Lethal Weapon (1987)

Continuity mistake: When Murtaugh clips on another target it's crumpled at the side. When it comes back after he has shot, it's clipped on straight. (00:55:00)


2nd May 2004

Lethal Weapon (1987)

Continuity mistake: When Riggs talks to the jumper his hair is either fluffy or stabilized with gel, depending on the camera angle. (00:30:00)


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