
Continuity mistake: When we see Simon in hospital after being badly beaten up by the thugs, he has long, similar stitches over his face and also over the bridge of his nose. When he is released from hospital most of the cuts have left very visible scars of almost Frankensteinian quality, only the injury on the nose is hardly visible. At the end of the movie, for example when he is talking to his parents over the phone, his nose is now unblemished while the other scars still look quite frightening. (00:30:25 - 01:47:00)


Continuity mistake: When Melvin feeds Verdell for the first time the dog is standing still at the edge of the carpet, facing his dish. When the camera angle changes he is standing further back. Then he lies down, and when the camera angle changes again he is lying at a different spot. (00:28:20)


Continuity mistake: When Carol brings her date home he lifts her up, puts her on the sofa and starts kissing her down the right side of her neck. When the camera angle changes he is kissing her on her mouth with his head on the other side. (00:14:40)


Continuity mistake: In the first diner scene Melvin sits down and takes off his glasses. He starts fiddling with the button of his breast pocket. When the camera angle changes his hands are somewhere else and the pocket is still buttoned. When it changes again he is putting his glasses into the now unbuttoned pocket. (00:12:20)


Continuity mistake: In the first diner scene we see Carol dealing with some guests and she is not wearing a watch. When she passes by Melvin, who is waiting impatiently for his table, she suddenly has one on her wrist. (00:10:55)


Continuity mistake: When Melvin tells Simon in very clear terms that he doesn't wish to be disturbed for any reason whatsoever Simon's shirt is open almost down to his belt. When he turns away after Melvin has closed the door the shirt is almost buttoned up. (00:08:20)


Continuity mistake: When Simon comes to Melvin's apartment to tell him that he has found his dog and Melvin tells him not ever to knock at his door, not even when the smell of a decaying body is emanating through the door so that he has to put a hanky to his face because of the stench, the glasses he is holding in his right hand disappear and reappear between shots. (00:07:20)


Continuity mistake: In the beginning of the movie, when Simon asks Melvin if he has seen his dog, he has a towel thrown over his shoulder which is differently arranged in shots from the front and from the back. (00:02:15)


15th Mar 2004

Prêt-à-Porter (1994)

Continuity mistake: In the last show presented by Anouk Aimée all models are completely naked. When the first one enters the catwalk her hair is hanging down in front covering her breasts, but when the camera angle changes the hair on her right is behind her back. (01:56:20)


15th Mar 2004

Prêt-à-Porter (1994)

Continuity mistake: After his show in the subway station Roger Whitaker walks out with his arms around two models. When the camera angle changes he is walking by himself with his arms up in the air. (01:40:30)


15th Mar 2004

Prêt-à-Porter (1994)

15th Mar 2004

Sommersby (1993)

Continuity mistake: When Jack shows Joseph the first hornworm the way he is holding the tobacco leaf changes when the camera goes from close-up to a wider shot. (00:51:25)


15th Mar 2004

Sommersby (1993)

11th Mar 2004

Tears of the Sun (2003)

Continuity mistake: At the end of the movie a very bloody Lt. Waters walks up to the Cameroonian border gate. The blood in his face has a different pattern in every single shot. (01:42:00)


11th Mar 2004

Tears of the Sun (2003)

Continuity mistake: When the group is resting at a riverside Capt. Rhodes calls them again. In the first shot the antenna of his phone is almost straight, but when the camera changes to a close-up it's bent as during the earlier calls. (01:19:00)


11th Mar 2004

Tears of the Sun (2003)

Continuity mistake: When Lt. Waters informs Capt. Rhodes that he is going to take the group through the jungle Rhodes' phone switches back and forth between his left and right ear in alternating shots. (00:41:50)


11th Mar 2004

Tears of the Sun (2003)

Continuity mistake: When the refugees cross a river there's a man with a crutch under his right arm. When a soldier reaches out to help him he takes the crutch in his left hand, but when the camera angle changes the crutch is back under his right arm. (00:19:25)


10th Mar 2004

Tears of the Sun (2003)

Continuity mistake: When the refugees cross a river Dr. Kendricks is carrying a little child. The child is facing away from her, with its right arm around her neck. When the camera angle changes she is holding the child face-to-face, and now its left arm is around her neck. Then a soldier takes the child from her while it is facing away from him, but when the camera angle changes again the child is turned around and facing him. (00:18:40)


4th Mar 2004

Seabiscuit (2003)

Continuity mistake: Before his first race after his accident Red puts a leather brace on the injured leg. He ties it in front, but when he walks over to Seabiscuit the brace is tied on the side. (01:59:20)


4th Mar 2004

Seabiscuit (2003)

Continuity mistake: When Tick Tock McGlaughlin watches Seabiscuit being prepared for racing again he pretends to be reading a newspaper. When Charles and Tom talk to him he is holding the newspaper open with both hands, but at the end of the conversation he is suddenly holding the folded newspaper in one hand. (01:54:15)


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