
13th Sep 2003

Gangs of New York (2002)

Continuity mistake: The moment when Bill attacks Vallon is very badly edited. There's a shot of Bill raising his cleaver, and it must be at Vallon because he had his eyes fixed on him already for a while. Then you see Vallon's arm crushed by a halberd, then again Bill staring at Vallon, then Vallon turning around, unharmed as it seems, and finally Bill slashing Vallon with his cleaver. (00:09:55)


13th Sep 2003

Gangs of New York (2002)

Continuity mistake: Before the big battle of Five Points begins Bill's gang comes out from a decrepit house. In the first wide shot of the place there is no smoke coming out ouf the chimney of the adjacent house to the right, but a moment later when Bill's people start to emerge it's smoking heavily. (00:06:00)


13th Sep 2003

Gangs of New York (2002)

Continuity mistake: In the very beginning of the movie priest Vallon is shaving. The reflection in the mirror shows a wispy, short mustache, but when we see Vallon's face as he speaks to his son his mustache is thick and twisted. (00:01:40)


9th Sep 2003

Man on the Moon (1999)

Continuity mistake: When Shapiro comes to see Tony Clifton for the first time the MC goes to get him from backstage. Watch the guitar player on the right: first he is holding his instrument with his fingerboard pointing up, then in a wide shot horizontally, then again up as before. (00:24:20)


9th Sep 2003

Man on the Moon (1999)

Continuity mistake: Early into the movie Andy is taking part in a meditation session. There is a wide shot of the whole group, which is seated in four concentric circles. Andy is sitting in the second circle, with two more circles behind him. When the camera angle changes to a front shot on Andy the two people behind him have changed, and the outer circle has disappeared. (00:16:40)


9th Sep 2003

Man on the Moon (1999)

Continuity mistake: After he gets expelled from his spiritual retreat Andy is seen in his bed, with his body tightly tucked under the blanket and only the head sticking out. Then Lynne comes, stretches out next to him (on top of the blanket). Then it cuts to a close up of both of them and Andy puts his arm around her - impossible the way they were lying before. (01:21:15)


9th Sep 2003

Man on the Moon (1999)

Continuity mistake: On his first entrance in 'Taxi' Tony Clifton does a few dance steps on a car. Even though he comes empty-handed (if you don't count the two ladies who are with him) all of a sudden he has a whiskey bottle in his hand, which disappears again in the next shot. (00:44:40)


9th Sep 2003

Man on the Moon (1999)

Continuity mistake: When Shapiro meets Tony Clifton for the first time Tony is eating spaghetti, sucking them in in a rather gross manner. When the camera angle changes you see the same spaghetti disappear in his mouth again. (00:27:50)


9th Sep 2003

Man on the Moon (1999)

Continuity mistake: After his rather sad nursery rhyme performance at a small club Andy walks up to Mr. Besserman, the club owner, who is sitting with his elbows rested on the counter. When the camera angle changes he sits with his side to the counter and his hands in the lap. (00:06:40)


8th Sep 2003

Malèna (2000)

Continuity mistake: When the advocate announces to his mother that he intends to marry Malena she gets mad at him. When he runs down the walkway she throws first her stick after him, then her shoe, but if you look closely she is still wearing both her shoes. (00:51:00)


8th Sep 2003

Malèna (2000)

Continuity mistake: During the advocate's speech his empty chair moves back and forth from straight behind his desk and shifted to the side as he left it when he got up. (00:44:15)


8th Sep 2003

Malèna (2000)

Continuity mistake: Malena is tried for adultery. After she was heard as a witness, sitting in a chair in front the judge, the camera cuts to the advocate who starts his speech. A moment later the camera cuts back to her, and she is sitting next to the advocate's chair, without any chance to get there. (00:44:00)


8th Sep 2003

Malèna (2000)

Continuity mistake: When Malena's husband comes back from the war he gets into a fight with three men. He gets a punch on the chin and falls on his back. In the next shot it looks as if his head has hit a step which wasn't there when he fell. A moment later, when Renato comes for help his body is turned around to the other side although he wasn't moving at all. (01:15:15)


8th Sep 2003

Malèna (2000)

Continuity mistake: After the war is over the women take revenge on Malena and beat her up brutally. At the end she's bruised all over, but during the beating some of the bruises disappear again, like one that appears on her left knee after she gets kicked in her belly. (01:05:45)


8th Sep 2003

Malèna (2000)

Continuity mistake: At the end of the movie we see Malena carrying her shopping back from the market. Behind her there is a huge flock of birds, but when the camera cuts closer as she drops a bag with oranges, the background is completely void of birds. (01:21:15)


Continuity mistake: When Jack is in the Albert Dock Road building hiding in a toilet, one of the hijackers shoots a fast round at the door, perforating it all over. You hear 11 shots but count 14 holes. This may be explained by the fact that they used two takes for the scene with different patterns of bullet holes. Then the door opens, Jack jumps out and shoots the bad guy, and all tiles on the wall behind the door are as good as new. (00:33:50)


Continuity mistake: When Jack shows Kate the print-out of the Economist web page with the write-up on Mr. Tarnower, the articles in the adjacent column are completely different from what he had downloaded. (00:25:05)


Continuity mistake: Jack's wife and daughters run away from the plane holding each other's hands, while the hijackers shoot into the crowd. When they get hit in the back you see slow motions of all three individually, with no-one else in the rather wide shot, as if they hadn't been holding on to each other. (00:12:40)


Continuity mistake: When the plane prepares for take-off after the emergency stop-over at Limassol, Jack is sitting next to his wife, while his son and one of his daughters are sitting across the aisle. Then the plane gets hijacked, passengers are told to remain in their seats, and the negotiations start. When the camera cuts to the cabin again Jack's son is sitting with his mom, first on her lap, then in the seat next to her where his sister was sitting before. Too much of seat-swapping under the circumstances, with trigger-happy hijackers watching over them. (00:09:10)


Continuity mistake: During the stop-over at Limassol a maintenance guy places a fully-zipped clothes bag full of, as we will see later see, weapons in a cabin wardrobe. Before the plane takes off a stewardess happens to see the bag, which is now zipped down half with a gun sticking out. The wardrobe is a different one too, since a large sign with seat directions, which was placed next to the wardrobe, isn't there anymore. (00:07:35)


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