Quantom X

29th Oct 2018

Ready Player One (2018)

Question: How did IOI figure out how to get the first key? I doubt Wade or his friends sent them an email telling them how to do it.

Answer: They all witnessed Percival and his friends do the race backwards, they just copied the act. Eventually everyone knew how to do it.


Answer: Actually, they never got the first key. They even talked about that they didn't need to since Parzival found it. If they did start getting the keys, they would appear on the leader boards also. So only the High Five found it.

Quantom X

Actually they did need to get the key. The second key can only be acquired by someone who has received the first, and the same thing with the third key. Also, the High Five is simply referring to the first five to actually make it onto the leader-board. The simple fact is that once the secret was discovered, it was only a matter of time before it was general knowledge for everyone to do.


27th Jun 2018

Ready Player One (2018)

Question: How are you supposed to ride a motorbike at full throttle in reverse? That is what Art3mis must have done to win the first Quest and to earn her copper key. You can see her bike standing beneath the fountain while she receives the key.


Answer: It's a virtual reality world. Machines can do anything the programmer wants them to.

Answer: In addition, it isn't specifically stated that the vehicle must actually be traveling in reverse. It could be that all she had to do was turn the bike around and drive forward, but the opposite way of the track.

Quantom X

Ironically, even if Halliday stated that he doesn't want to make rules, he also says particularly to go backwards, at full throttle, not forward in the opposite direction. So I will not go with that thought of yours.

That's not exactly what he said or meant. He gave a clue, an idea to break the traditional rules. He wasn't telling people to go backwards as that's how it must be. He was seeding the idea to go against the grain.

Quantom X

Perhaps she turned around on the bike and rode it in backwards?

Answer: It wouldn't take too much in the OASIS to modify a motorcycle so that it could drive backwards to complete the race. Driving it would be difficult though.

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