
Question: What reason did Bella give Charlie for going to Italy?


Answer: It's unknown if she gave Charlie a reason. As she was 18-years old, she was free to go. She may have generally told him it had to do with Edward being in trouble, but would not have gone into details.


Question: Why are the Volturi even needed? If humans know about vampires, there's nothing they can do about it. What if a vampire uploads a video of themselves to YouTube, and it instantly goes viral?


Answer: People do not know vampires exist. The only thing known is through myths and legends, which no-one believes is real. The Volturi exist to act as a centralized, albeit loose, form of vampire government, that other vampires rely on to maintain their community. Any vampire breaking the laws or doing anything that exposes their world faces death, so it's unlikely any would violate the code of secrecy.


Answer: Considering how badly Jacob was injured during the battle with Victoria's vampire army in which his ribs were crushed, it is unlikely that the shape-shifting wolves are bullet proof.


Question: If Edward had successfully revealed himself, would the Volturi have killed everyone who saw?


Answer: It's unlikely they would do that. People may claim to have witnessed some strange event, but unless there's tangible rather than anecdotal evidence, this usually, over time, is dismissed. Killing the witnesses would garner unwanted attention on the Volturi.


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