
5th Apr 2004

The Simpsons (1989)

Bart vs. Australia - S6-E16

Question: In the scene where Bart was about to get kicked by the Australian Prime Minister Bart jumps forward. After that he says "...and this is for the United States of America." He shows his butt with the words "Don't tread on me" and hums the American national anthem. Does this imply that America can get away with anything or was there a different message being implied?

Answer: During the American Revolution one of the early flags used, known as the Gadsden Flag, was a coiled rattle snake on a field of yellow, with the words, "Don't Tread on Me", written below. This a good site for a more in depth story into the origins.


Question: Almost after the D-Day battle is over, Caparzzo picks up a Hitler Youth Knife and hands it to Mellish. Then Mellish calls the knife a "shabbat challah cutter." What does that mean?

Answer: I do not know the exact signifigance for the Jewish faith but Shabbat Challah is a Jewish Bread and the Challah Knife is used to cut the bread. So using a knife from a Nazi you killed for this would be a pretty good F You to Hitler and the Nazis.


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