Casual Person

Ant-Man and the Wasp was a really fun and enjoyable movie. I was entertained from start to finish. I loved just about every single character. The movie had very creative ways of using the shrinking technology in the action, the plot and in other moments. The movie as a whole had a really good blend of action, comedy and heart, which is what Marvel is really good at.

However, I do think some of the plot resolutions are handled as well as they could have been. For one, it is never really explained how Janet van Dyne has managed to stay alive in the Quantum Realm for 30 years. But that did not distract from the movie too much.

Casual Person

27th Jul 2018

Unbreakable (2000)

Unbreakable is an extremely well made film with smart and nuanced storytelling. Bruce Willis gives one of my favourite performances from him. The score from James Newton Howard is incredible, one of my all time favourite scores. The movie brilliantly tells a superhero origin story if it were set in the real world and the grounded tone works perfectly for the movie. Unbreakable is undoubtedly one of the best superhero movies of all time, and it is not even based on a comic book.

Casual Person

26th Jul 2018

Rampage (2018)

I was pretty disappointed with Rampage. I went into this movie expecting a fun action movie with big creatures fighting, unfortunately, I found the plot mediocre, the first two acts were mostly boring and the third act only had a few fun moments, and I found most of the characters forgettable, even Dwayne Johnson. The only characters I found myself interested in were Jeffrey Dean Morgan, as I found his character enjoyably over the top, and the brother CEO character, as he had some funny moments, but that is really it. Overall, I found Rampage pretty bland and generic.

Casual Person

Mission: Impossible - Fallout is the best movie in the Mission: Impossible franchise, and perhaps one of the best action movies ever made. The action and stunts are some of the best I have ever seen, they felt real, if not immersive. The movie earns its tense moments and heartfelt moments through a top notch storyline, characters and staggering production values. Truly a movie that gripped me from the opening scene to the last.

Casual Person

23rd Jul 2018

Incredibles 2 (2018)

The Incredibles is one of my favourite animated movies of all time, so I was extremely anticipating this movie, and Incredibles 2 delivers enough. It's nowhere near the quality of the first movie; the animation is great and I was entertained for most of it, but the themes, clever writing and freshness weren't felt as much here. The characters are given many humourous moments, but they lack a resonant character arc that made watching them in the first movie so endearing to watch. The action scenes are fun, but what made the action is the first movie so good is that each action scene felt like it built on the previous one, whereas here every action scene is presented with the exact same amount of intensity and lacks the stakes the first film established much better. It's an easily enjoyable movie, but not one that I'm going to hold to my heart anywhere near as much as the original.

Casual Person

12th Jul 2018

Foodfight! (2012)

Foodfight is easily one of the worst animated movies ever made. There is barely a single redeeming aspect of this entire movie. The biggest problem with this movie is the animation; it is blatantly incomplete and required several additional stages of rendering. Because of the poor animation, nothing in the movie ever feels real and just comes off as lifeless, the character designs are pretty bland and uninspired, and some of the characters designs are just flat out repulsive.

The second major flaw with this movie is that it has no clue what its audience is supposed to be; a movie like this is supposedly meant for kids, but there are tons of sexual innuendos, crude jokes and Nazi overtones in the Brand X army, all of which no child watching this would understand, and the repulsive characters designs would disgust both them and adults, and the logic to how this world within the supermarket works is so convoluted, that anyone who tried to think about would become confused.

Also, the writing is awful; just about every joke falls flat, the movie is obsessed with making food related puns and the characters feel cliched with little to no personality.

Casual Person

Transformers: The Last Knight is easily the worst movie in the entire Transformers franchise, and maybe one of the worst action movies in general. This entire movie is plagued with flaws. The direction from Michael Bay is so inept, that it affects just about every single aspect of the movie.

The movie is directed with absolutely no focus and has way too many plot threads. The pacing in this movie is so fast paced that it becomes out of control, and every single scene comes off as rushed. The movie never stops moving, or gives the audience a chance to breath, and even the scenes that just focus on the characters feel rushed and fast paced as well, so it becomes exhausting very quickly. The movie has an overabundance of characters, and will even introduce characters and make it appear as if their role is going to be substantial, but will forget about them for large portions of the movie, or maybe just forget about them completely.

This movie seems to have virtually no idea what audience it wants to cater to, so it will just jump back and forth in tone in an attempt to check off each demographic. The tone will range from a grand epic, to a post-apocalyptic movie, to a shaky-cam action movie, to an action-adventure quest with rom-com elements. The entire movie was obviously filmed in multiple aspect ratios, and will shift aspect ratios from shot to shot throughout the movie, and it gets annoying very fast.

The visual effects are fine, but because the movie is so lifeless and is directed with no focus, they ultimately leave no impact on the viewer. The writing is godawful; it feels like a series of screenplays were merged into one. The dialogue is weak. The jokes fall completely flat. The characters have little to no identity. Mark Wahlberg gives a pretty bad performance. The editing is terrible. This is without a doubt the last Transformers movie I will see in the cinema.

Casual Person

18th Jun 2018

Blade Runner 2049 (2017)

Blade Runner 2049 is a fantastic movie, and a worthy sequel to the original Blade Runner. The movie is masterfully directed and written and has an engaging storyline. Ryan Gosling gives a great performance as the main character K and I am always invested in his character. The movie manages to include a plethora of well rounded supporting characters that are compelling as well.

Clearly every single person involved in the production of this movie, whether it was the cast or crew, has put 10/10 effort into this movie. The movie has an excellent use of cinematography, production design and visual effects, all of which come together perfectly to create the futuristic setting; it perfectly recaptures the setting of the original whilst also understanding how it would appear 30 years later. But what I appreciated the most was the attention to detail put into each solitary frame. I could see far off into the distance and it all looked and felt real.

The 2 hour 43 minute runtime may bother some, but when the movie has an engaging storyline, compelling characters and immersive and visually stunning setting, it never became a problem, not even for a moment.

Casual Person

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