
26th Feb 2004

Angel (1999)

Lineage - S5-E7

Corrected entry: Angel says at the end that the cyborg version of Wesley's father probably learned all he knew from the files at the Watcher's Council, but in the Buffy episode "Bring On The Night" Giles makes it clear that all the files belonging to the Council were destroyed in the explosion, so where did the cyborgs find out every detail of Wesley's life (back to age 7)? Wesley only started working at Wolfram and Hart a few months after "Bring On The Night", so they wouldn't have known to gather information on him before the Council was blown up, and we know they didn't get it from his real family as, when Wesley talks to them at the end of the episode, it's clear they have no idea what's happened.


Correction: Not all the files belonging to the Watchers Council were destroyed though. Rutherford Circe took a number of them with him when he defected to Wolfram & Hart, so other White Hats could have leaked information to the enemy as well.

9th May 2003

Angel (1999)

Players - S4-E16

Corrected entry: In the episode 'Players', season 4, Gwen is struck by lightning and we later see the envelope she was holding is badly scorched. The papers that were inside, however, don't have a mark on them.


Correction: If you keep watching the episode when Gwen is pulling out the map of the house and showing it to Gunn, you can easily see several burn marks on the map; which was inside the envelope when she got struck by lightning.

14th Apr 2004

Angel (1999)

The Trial - S2-E9

Corrected entry: In "The Trial" Angel tells Darla that, if he turns her, his soul might transfer onto her - he doesn't know for sure. However, in a later episode ("Why We Fight", season 5) we see him turning Lawson in 1943, after he got his soul. While the soul made Lawson less evil, he was still filled with the bloodlust of a normal vampire, without Angel's conscience. Therefore, Angel already knew that his soul wouldn't transfer enough to stop Darla becoming a monster.


Correction: Angel lets Lawson go from the sub, telling him that if they ever meet again, he'd kill him. He reminds him of this when Lawson steps into the offices of Wolfram & Hart 50 years later, som presumably they haven't met since then. Angel wouödn't have know much about Lawson behaviour during the short time he was a vampire on the sub. He didn't kill anyone, nor did he try to.

16th Nov 2003

Angel (1999)

Correction: The knife falls to the right side of his right foot. In the long distance shot this side can't be seen, only the left side of the foot. So the foot blocks the sight.


30th May 2003

Angel (1999)

Correction: Gunn, Wesley, and Lorne are exposed to Cordelia's blood, not Jasmine's. Cordelia's maternal link to Jasmine causes her blood to work differently and faster on Jasmine's enchantment because all of Jasmine's blood came from Cordelia during the pregnancy.


30th Jun 2003

Angel (1999)

Show generally

Corrected entry: In 'Orpheus', Willow mentions that the restoration of the soul was the first spell she did. Back in season 2 of BTVS, however, she did several spells before that, for example revoking Angel's invitations in 'Passion' or her attempted exorcism in 'I Only Have Eyes For You'.


Correction: Williow actually states that re-ensouling Angel is one of the first spells she learned, not the first spell she did.

Maria Santos

22nd Jan 2004

Angel (1999)

Conviction (1) - S5-E1

Corrected entry: Considering that Spike never visited Sunnydale or L.A. during Wesley's tenure in either place, and Wesley was in England before that, how does Wesley recognise him straight away? Even if he's heard about him from Angel or in books why would he assume that this is him? Some people suggest Wesley found a picture of Spike while researching Angel's past, but Giles conducted a similar investigation in season 1 but had never even heard of Spike in 'School Hard', let alone know his image well enough to recognise him on sight. Unless Wesley is a substantially better researcher (unlikely, given Giles' experience) he shouldn't know him so well.


Correction: If Giles has already researched Spike then he most likely kept most of the things to do with him in the same place. In season three Wesley comes along & has access to Giles' material so if he took the time to look into these things he may have found all the information he needed.


22nd Jul 2003

Angel (1999)

Show generally

Corrected entry: In the Buffy episode 'The Prom' Angel mentions that he never drinks coffee as the caffeine makes him jittery, yet he drinks coffee in quite a few Angel episodes. It's unlikely a 243-year-old would change his habits in the space of a few months.


Correction: Perhaps sometime after The Prom, Angel discovers decaf. It's possible, especially for someone so old who didn't seem to "get" Buffy (or women in general) 90% of the time, to not be up to date on coffee. He makes other changes - he takes up smoking in the fifties flashbacks of season two, gives up smoking for the entire time we know him prior to halfway through season two, takes up smoking, and then gives it up...again.

15th May 2003

Angel (1999)

Correction: In "Eternity" Wesley explains that Angel only thinks he is Angelus because of the drugs the actress slipped him. He describes it as "artificial perfect happiness", Angel never actually turned. This also explains why Angel does not kill the actress (can't remember her name) in the basement. The real Angelus never would have let her go. Also, drugged Angel never killed anyone even outside the office. When the real Angelus is there (Buffy, Season 2 and Angel, Season 4) bodies pile up.

15th May 2003

Angel (1999)

Show generally

Corrected entry: Cordelia says in the episode 'Awakening' that she has encountered the real Angelus when he changed in Sunnydale, but during the episodes after Angelus changed in season 2 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer she never actually saw him, just heard about him.


Correction: She further clarifies in Awakenings that she saw everything he EVER did (as Angelus) in "virtual wide screen sense surround sound during my tenure in floatyville". She saw firsthand what he was like. Also, on Buffy, Cordelia spoke often of the badness of Angelus. Cordelia did actually meet Angelus in the BTVS season two episode "Killed By Death".


17th Feb 2004

Angel (1999)

Correction: No-one survived by avoiding work - Lilah says in a later episode that the beast tracked down everyone who worked there. However, at the end of series 4, we find out that the LA office has been completely rebuilt and restaffed. It's conceivable that everyone was brought in from another office, or even another dimension, and so all know of the same party.

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