
15th Jun 2006

Labyrinth (1986)

Question: Ballroom scene: time stop [01:09:15] Right before Sara breaks the glass with the chair. there is a blonde woman in a dress not wearing a mask visible. who is she? Also what is the significance of the Pirate character at timestop [01:08:36.] Outside of Jareth and Sara. this character gets a lot of camera time. including a focal point as the the camera does the 360 degree shot towards the end. Thanks.

Answer: I don't think either of the characters are significant. If they have more screen time than any other extra, it is just emphasising Sarah's confusion and the way she is trying to focus on individuals to try and make sense of what is happening. Or possibly, the director liked the look of the costume/make-up and gave them a prominent place in the scene.

Answer: The pirate is Brian Froud, himself appearing as a cameo.


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