David Hancock

26th Feb 2005

Stranded (2002)

Corrected entry: When the three guys are walking down the hill on Mars, one of the guys says that the moon of Mars is going as fast as a satellite. If he knew anything about space (which he should have, being selected to go to Mars) he would know that a moon is classified as a satellite, so it's like saying 'that moon is going as fast as a moon' which doesn't make sense. (00:52:00)

David Hancock

Correction: When Fidel makes mention of this (Phobos moving as fast as a satellite), he is casually telling the others of his observation, not making a technical statement. I doubt that even an astronaut would use the term 'satellite' when talking about a moon, unless they were giving a lecture or telling a story. The assumption that he would know this, is valid; but in the context of the scene, it would be very odd for him to be using the technically correct terms.


11th Mar 2013

Skyfall (2012)

Corrected entry: When the MI6 building is blown up, we hear the explosion as it happens. In reality, because of the distance they are away from it, the sound should be about a second later.

David Hancock

Correction: Certain movie-making conventions like this count as a stylistic choice, not a mistake.

Corrected entry: When Lucy gives Tumnus the handkerchief, Tumnnus gives it to the Beaver just before he gets captured by the White Witch. The Beaver then gives the handkerchief to Lucy, then right at the end when Tumnus has been revived by Aslan, Tumnus has the handkerchief and gives it to Lucy.

David Hancock

Correction: This is not the same handkerchief. The one Beaver had given to Lucy was, of course, Lucy's, but the one which Tumnus gave her at the end was his own one. This is a kind of payback.

Corrected entry: In the scene where the tidal wave goes through New York and the wave is shown crashing over the Statue of Liberty, the Statue of Liberty is facing towards New York - it should be facing the opposite way.

David Hancock

Correction: Checked, double-checked - simply not so. The camera pans around the statue in a sweeping motion so parts of the city are seen in the background, but when it finishes the circle and moves slightly closer, it is evident that the statue is facing the way it is supposed to be.


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