Passenger 57

Passenger 57 (1992)

Plot summary

(9 votes)

Charles Rane (Bruce Payne), the most deadly hijacker, is being brought to trial on a plane. He escapes and takes over the plane. Luckily, John Cutter (Wesley Snipes) is on-board, and just might be able to stop him...


Revealing mistake: When the terrorists drop the dead body out the aircraft door, look closely at the aeroplane just beneath the door, you can see the reflection of the mat the stuntman lands on, as well as the spotters around it.

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Trivia: FBI Agent Dwight Henderson is portrayed by Robert Hooks, the father of director Kevin Hooks.

More trivia for Passenger 57

Question: How can the plane take off from this country airport when they seem so worried about a short landing?

Answer: The plane would not be able to take off from that small airport.

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