As Good As It Gets

Continuity mistake: When Carol enters Melvin's building soaking wet to tell him she'll never sleep with him, we can see bra straps across her back under her blouse. But at Melvin's door, she's embarrassed to discover that the wet blouse reveals a distinct lack of a brassiere.

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Suggested correction: It shows no such thing. In fact Carol has been so thoroughly soaked that both her T-shirt and bra are wet and have become transparent as a result, and her boobs are showing through.

Not true. She has no bra straps showing when at the door talking, wet shirt. When she leaves and turns, the straps are present, wet shirt.

Revealing mistake: At the beginning of the movie, when Melvin catches Simon's dog, he holds it away from him, with his arms stretched. When the dog begins to pee, you can see that the urine is coming out from Melvin's glove. (00:01:30)

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Melvin Udall: I've got a really great compliment for you, and it's true.
Carol Connelly: I'm so afraid you're about to say something awful.
Melvin Udall: Don't be pessimistic, it's not your style. Okay, here I go: Clearly, a mistake. I've got this, what - ailment? My doctor, a shrink that I used to go to all the time, he says that in fifty or sixty percent of the cases, a pill really helps. I *hate* pills, very dangerous thing, pills. Hate. I'm using the word "hate" here, about pills. Hate. My compliment is, that night when you came over and told me that you would never... All right, well, you were there, you know what you said. Well, my compliment to you is, the next morning, I started taking the pills.
Carol Connelly: I don't quite get how that's a compliment for me.
Melvin Udall: You make me want to be a better man.
Carol Connelly: ...That's maybe the best compliment of my life.
Melvin Udall: Well, maybe I overshot a little, because I was aiming at just enough to keep you from walking out.

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Question: Why does Melvin struggle to look Carol in the eye? Is that something to do with his mental illness?

Answer: It has everything to do with his mental illness. His OCD condition has kept him isolated with anti-social tendencies. He just finds it difficult to directly interact with people.

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