The Twilight Saga: New Moon

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Continuity mistake: During the paper cut scene, when Bella is thrown against the table, there are 5 vases of flowers and 3 sets of candles. After she hits the table she lands against one of the vases and knocks the 2nd one to the floor, but the next shot shows only one vase left upright. (00:14:50)


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Bella Swan: It's my birthday, can I ask for something? Kiss me.

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Trivia: Director Chris Weitz did a little trick when Edward gets out of the truck after Bella's birthday party and they are arguing. They put Edward next to the camera on the right but used a double dressed like Edward in the driver's seat. When Edward gets out, it is the double and then when the real Edward steps in front of the camera it appears he got there faster than humanly possible. (Entertainment Weekly, Jan 1, 2010).

Tricia Webster

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Question: If Alice can see the future, why did she not protect Bella from Jasper's attack before it happened at Bella's birthday party?


Chosen answer: The way I understand it, Alice's power only works once someone makes a conscious decision to act. Since Bella's paper cut was unanticipated, Jasper's attack was impulsive, not premeditated.

Cubs Fan

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