The Mask

Continuity mistake: When Dorian puts on the mask for the first time, right before all the smoke starts reducing, pay close attention to his goons. Some of them change position. (Clearly those were two takes pasted together, one with Dorian without the mask, and one with.) (01:04:25)

Continuity mistake: When The Mask first visits the Coco Bongo and dances wildly with Tina, they perform a series of impressive manouvers and The Mask then dips Tina and holds her in that position. At this moment, Tina is revealed to be a stunt double, not Cameron Diaz, just before the camera zooms into a close up of Jim Carrey.

Continuity mistake: When Dorian, as The Mask, breaks down the doors of the Coco Bongo, you see the door topple onto the doorman on the left. When the camera cuts back, he is on top of the door. (01:17:25)

Continuity mistake: When Dorian's boss shoots him in the stomach it switches from the boss to Dorian several times. Each time Dorian's buttons change colours from black buttons to white buttons to no buttons. (01:18:25)

Continuity mistake: When Tina goes to the jail and meet Stanley they almost kiss for the first time. She is wearing bright red lipstick. A few minutes later she is running down an alley outside of the prison from Dorian. She is wearing soft pink lipstick. (01:09:00)

Continuity mistake: While in Mrs. Peenmans' hall, just before she shoots him, his hands switch places on the mallet. In the first shot, his left hand is on the bottom, right hand is on the top. In the other two shots, it is vice-versa. (00:18:15)

The Mask mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Stanley is beating up Dorian, Dorian's head is either lying against the ground or raised, depending on the shot. (01:27:49)


Revealing mistake: When Kellaway shows up at Stanley's apartment to question him about his pajamas and Stanley scrambles to stuff all the stolen bank money into his closet, you can see that a few of the bills are blank on the back side, revealing that the money is a fake movie prop.


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Trivia: The Mask is based off the Dark Horse Comic of the same name. The only difference is that Dark Horse Comics carry a lot of dark tones in their comics. When Chuck Russell was directing The Mask, it was supposed to be set in that way. When Jim Carrey was given the role of Stanley Ipkiss, it was turned into a comedy.

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Question: In a scene towards the end of the movie, where Tina asks Dorian to give her one last kiss before the time bomb blows up the Coco Bongo, Eddy (one of Dorian's men) wants to turn off the bomb. Why would Eddy suddenly want to change his mind and turn the bomb off if he's taking part in blowing up the Coco Bongo in the first place?


Chosen answer: Because they're lingering longer than he's comfortable with. He's not having second thoughts, he just wants to stop the timer temporarily until they're finally finished.


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