The Man With One Red Shoe

Other mistake: When Morris is chasing the ambulance on his bicycle, he gets pushed/bumped towards the picnic table. As he tumbles over the table into the water you can see handle bars attached to the bicycle, however whilst Morris is flying through the air (separately to the bicycle), he is holding a second set of handle bars in his hands. (00:42:50)

Mr Manchester

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Suggested correction: He grabbed onto the handrail bar on the back of the ambulance. That bar broke off, which is why he went straight when the ambulance turned (and the why he has a look of surprise on his face). It's that bar he's seen holding, not handlebars.


Continuity mistake: During the ambulance scene, the inside of the ambulance is shown as driving around with the transmission in park.

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Maddy: Are you OK? You seem tense.
Richard: Oh, no, no, no, I'm not, I'm not tense. Well, I did pass out today... and got hit in the head by a baseball... and brushed my teeth with shampoo... then butchered Rimsky - Korsakov in front of 1,500 people, and my clothes fell apart. But I'm not tense.

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Trivia: This is a remake of a French movie, "Le grand blond à la chaussure noire".


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Answer: Cooper's CIA superior, Ross, learns that Cooper is attempting to oust him by making false accusations so he can become the CIA director. Ross devises his own plan to fool Cooper into believing that someone who can exonerate him is arriving at the airport. Ross sends one of his agents to the airport to randomly chose a man to appear to be the person that Ross is expecting. The agent selects Richard Drew because he is wearing mismatched shoes, the result of a trick a friend played on him. Cooper, who had bugged Ross' house, overheard the fake conversation and fell for the bait. He sends his own agent to the airport, who spots Ross' man with Richard and begins trailing him. Of course, Richard has no idea what is happening.


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