Mad Max 2

Mad Max 2 (1981)

Ending / spoiler

(6 votes)

After a long bloody car chase, Lord Humungus and most of his gang are killed; Max and the Feral Kid survive, though Pappagallo (the leader) is killed. Max's tanker was carrying sand and not the fuel. Per Pappagallo's plan, the gas was transferred into 55-gallon drums and stashed in the other vehcles in the compound. The Gyro Captain survives being shot from the sky during the car chase and takes over Pappagallo's position as leader of the "Great Northern Tribe"; in the course of time, the Feral Kid succeeds him. Max is left in the road.


Mad Max 2 mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When the tanker crashes at the end the driver is clearly wearing a crash helmet.

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The Gyro Captain: No! It's my snake, I trained it, I'm going to eat it! I got a recipe for snake. Delicious. Fricassee of reptile. You are what you eat.

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Trivia: The logo on the tank truck is "7 Sisters Oil", reference to a conspiracy theory, popular before OPEC-conspiracy theories took over, that Standard Oil and six other companies controlled the world oil market and bought up and suppressed 200-MPG carburetor and so on to keep oil prices up. Source

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Question: Early in the movie Max finds an abandoned truck with graffiti on its side saying "The Vermin Have Inherited the Earth". Is this a reference to something?

Answer: Maybe the Judeo-Christian bible "The meek shall inherit the earth" (Matt 5:5). Not much of a stretch that someone in that environment would change meek to vermin.


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