The Aristocats

The well loved and pampered cat of a retired opera singer in Paris finds herself stuck in the countryside with her three kittens, the victims of a plot by the butler to get them out of a huge inheritance to be left by the owner. They must survive the wild and fight to make their way back to their home. All while evading the butler and foiling his plan, with the help of an independent-minded tomcat and other animal accomplices.


Continuity mistake: When the butler takes the mother and kittens to be abandoned in the countryside he is on a motorcycle and sidecar combination. During the trip the sidecar changes from one side of the bike to the other and back again. Also, when the sidecar separates from the motorcycle when the dogs are chasing Edgar, the wheel on the sidecar switches sides regularly as well.

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Duchess: Monsieur O'Malley, you could have lost your life.
Thomas O'Malley: So I have a few to spare. Nothing.

More quotes from The Aristocats

Trivia: This was the last Disney movie to include "A Walt Disney Production" at the end, as well as the first movie to be completed after Disney's death in 1966.

More trivia for The Aristocats

Question: I wasn't sure which Disney film to ask about this, as it occurs in many (Alice in Wonderland, Fox and the Hound, Lady and the Tramp etc.) - But in many of the Dinsey films, most of the time many of the characters don't cast a shadow. Is there a reason for this? Or maybe would it be considered a mistake..?


Chosen answer: It is the style of the artwork. Similarly, it is not a mistake that each individual hair is not drawn, the eyes are not really proportional to the head, etc.


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