X-Men Origins: Wolverine

Corrected entry: In the fight sequence between Wolverine and Deadpool, Deadpool slices and stabs Wolverine several times. However for the rest of the film, there are no holes or torn sections of his vest whatsoever. Surely Wolverine's vest cannot heal like him. Similarly when Deadpool hits Sabertooth with the optic blast, there is no damage whatsoever to his clothes and they remain intact.

Correction: The optic blast has been shown as a concussive force, not a heat source, so there would be no damage to Sabretooth's clothes.

Corrected entry: When Zero has his first fight shown, he is using un-silenced weapons, yet the sounds of his gun shots are silenced.

Correction: Assuming that the scene in question is when the team attacks the compound early in the movie. During the entire sequence, whenever Zero uses his weapons "big bangs" can be heard loud and clear indicated that the guns are not silenced and never shown or heard to be.


Corrected entry: During the fight on top of the cooling tower, near the end of the film, there is one sequence when Weapon XI rushes at Wolverine and Sabretooth, who are standing back to back, and jumps over them. The overhead shot shows him jump over Sabretooth first, yet he lands in front of Sabretooth.


Correction: Not necessarily a mistake. At this point we already know that Weapon X1 can teleport. He is just using it to his advantage to confuse and disorientate his opponents during the fight.


Corrected entry: When Wolverine's team is in the elevator, Deadpool says it's time to go to work and both of his swords are on his back. In the next shot the sword near Deadpool's right shoulder is gone, but then the sword is back on his back.

Correction: That is just something about how his costume was made, the right sword keeps slipping behind his head. It wasn't an mistake, just reality.

Corrected entry: In the scene where Stryker tracks Logan out to the logging field and goes to meet with him, Logan's cigar changes length almost every time the camera cuts to him - getting alternately longer and shorter throughout their conversation.

Correction: It's not changing length, its just somewhat of an effect of the camera angle. The cigar is a prop, the same size the entire time until Zero shoots it in half.

Corrected entry: When Victor holds Wolverine's "resurrected" wife in one hand around her neck, you can see the wires that hold her up when he throws her to the ground. (01:22:45)

Correction: This mistake is not in the final version of the movie. Mistakes in the "workprint" version of the movie are not valid.


Corrected entry: At the end, when Styker points the gun at the wounded Kayla - and then at himself - she's not in any danger. It's a six-shot revolver, and he's already spent the six bullets on Wolverine.

Correction: He only fires five out of the six. The first when he shot Logan in the back, the second after Logan turned around, the third while Logan was running at him, the fourth was the one while Logan was in the air from jumping at Stryker and was also the one that knocked him out, the fifth was the second shot to Logan's head and the final one he shot at him. So, Stryker fired five shots at Logan and still had one left for Kayla. Regardless, it's unlikely she was counting the shots anyway.


Corrected entry: In the scene where they are coming up in the elevator and Ryan Reynolds does his thing and does a spin in the air, you can see the harness strings on his shoulders when he lands and is face on to the camera.

Correction: These are only seen on the leaked version not the theatrical release, thus not a mistake.

Corrected entry: After Wolverine knocks out Victor, after the fight at 3-Mile Island where the children are being held, Silverfox starts to talk to Wolverine. While Wolverine has his head turned looking over his shoulder at her, you can see the shadow of a boom microphone or some other piece of equipment on his shoulder.

Correction: Unless we know for certain what the source of the shadow is, this is not an error. There was, to my recollection, a large amount of infrastructure in the facility that could easily cast shadows on room occupants.


Corrected entry: [Spoiler] Wolverine's wife's death is faked with the use of hydrochlorothiazide. That's a real drug, but it's just a diuretic. It won't slow the heart, it may actually speed it up by lowering blood pressure. All it's going to do is make you urinate.

Correction: Since she has Mutant physiology, a seemingly harmless drug could affect her body differently; there just isn't enough information to make this claim.

Corrected entry: After Victor Creed 'kills' Silverfox it shows Wolverine bury and mourn her before joining the Weapon X program. This would be fatal to her if she was just faking her death.

Correction: Pretty safe bet that they would have thought of that - this has, after all, been carefully planned out. For Logan's enhanced senses to be fooled, her metabolism has to have been slowed dramatically, almost to the point of stopping, effectively putting her in hibernation, which would allow her to survive a brief period of burial. As long as Stryker's team got to her fairly swiftly after Logan departed, she would survive the ordeal with no lasting effect.


Corrected entry: When the soldiers are in Nigeria and Wade exit the elevator to attack all of henchmen with his swords, while jumping high the ropes are seen on Reynold's back that lift him. (00:14:05)

Correction: Ummm, maybe you should actually watch the movie at the cinema instead of the unfinished version circling the net?

Corrected entry: After 'Jimmy' and Victor are busted in Vietnam, we move to "6 years later" and we experience the rest of the film. The Vietnam war ended April 30th, 1975, which means that the latest that this film could have taken place was 1981. However the Army in the film was regularly using Humvees, which did not enter into production until 1984. Also, Scott Summers was a teen in this film, but in X-1, he was a twenty-something and it was released in 2000 with the tagline "in the near future." So apparently Scott aged about 10 years in at least 20.


Correction: Firstly this submission lists two different mistakes and should be separated as such. It was also never stated in the first X-Men film that Cyclops was in his twenties. He could very well have been in his thirties and aged appropriately.

S. Ha

Corrected entry: In the scene when Wolverine and Sabretooth are fighting outside the bar by a digger and a pile of logs, Sabretooth stands on Wolverine's 'bone claws' and snaps off the end of one of them. However, when Wolverine's bones have been covered in adamantium and he brings them out, they are full and have had no discernible damage to them.

Correction: His bones healed, regrowing his claws.


Corrected entry: The blades Weapon XI wields are nearly the full length of the arm. If this were true, he would not be able bend at the elbows.

Correction: Weapon XI has multiple powers from multiple mutants. Theres no telling what his blades do when retracted.


Corrected entry: The opening shot establishes the location as 1845 Northwest Territories, Canada. Canada did not become a country until 1867. Even then, the NWT was owned by the Hudson Bay company.

Correction: The name Canada was used for the area as far back as the middle of the 16th Century, long before the country of that name was founded. The usage is historically accurate.


Corrected entry: While Scott Summers is blinded in the "new" Wolverine movie, there is no mention of Scott's having anything to do with Weapon X in X-Men 1 and 2. In fact if all those students go to the Xavier Institute then Emma Frost, Quicksilver, and several other mutants would have appeared in X1 and X2, but no mention of there being other mutants besides Jean and Scott being at the school. (01:28:10)

Correction: The stuff that happened to Scott was twenty years previously - why would they mention it? And the other mutants rescued by Xavier in this film could easily have chosen to leave the school in the intervening time, while Cyclops stayed on as a teacher and X-Man.


Correction: We actually don't know that they are the very same tags. He could have had replacements made at some point.


Corrected entry: When relaxing in his cabin, Wolverine is shown drinking a long-neck Budweiser. Long-neck bottles were not allowed in Canada in the 70s, they were short-neck ("stubbies"). Nobody was producing Bud under license at that time, either.

Correction: He could have smuggled them in from the US somehow. Unless we actually seem him purchasing the bottles, there's no real mistake.

Corrected entry: Stryker shoots Logan with the adamantium bullets to erase his memory, but in "X-Men" the scans of Wolverine showed no holes or damage to his skull. While he's got a healing factor for his natural bones/organs, there's no way for him to regenerate the adamantium covering his skeleton.

Correction: As shown in the movie, his skeleton is not just covered in adamantium, the metal is actually bonded to his bones, and a part of him. So when his bones regenerated, it is not unlikely that the edges of the holes in his skull was bent back into shape and re-bonded.


Factual error: When Wolverine leaves one of the compounds, he slashes through the door with both hands, creating an "X" in the door. After the second slice, the portion of the "X" where the cuts actually crisscross remains in the door, when in reality the pieces would fall out as they wouldn't be attached to the door any longer and would be floating in air. (00:44:30)

More mistakes in X-Men Origins: Wolverine

[Stryker shows Logan his dog tags.]
Logan: I want new ones.
Stryker: What do you want them to say?
Logan: Wolverine.

More quotes from X-Men Origins: Wolverine

Trivia: In the end where Wolverine is freeing the mutant prisoners, one of the prisoners is tied up, seems to be trying to run out of the cage and has white hair. This is Quicksilver, Magneto's son.

More trivia for X-Men Origins: Wolverine

Answer: Technopathy which is the ability to control certain electrical devices and Electrokinesis which is the ability to generate, manipulate and/or conduct electricity.

More questions & answers from X-Men Origins: Wolverine

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