The Incredible Hulk

Continuity mistake: During the street chase in Brazil, the time of day changes from night, to perhaps late afternoon/evening, to night again.

The Incredible Hulk mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Dr. Ross and Bruce are in the hotel room, Banner empties the purse on the bed and there is some cash inside the wallet. As they are about to leave he picks up the cash, which isn't in the wallet anymore. (01:08:10)

The Incredible Hulk mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the motel room, Betty gives Bruce a new heart monitor watch, still in its box. In a subsequent shot, the box has disappeared and Bruce is putting the watch on. The cut to Betty and back is too fast for him to have taken the watch out and junked the box. (01:04:10)

Cubs Fan

Revealing mistake: When the Hulk walks through the stream, the water doesn't react to his feet. (00:59:20)

Continuity mistake: At the beginning of the movie, when the general wears his dress greens, his epaulet rank has the stripe near his neck. Later,in a shot about halfway through, the stripe is near his shoulder.

Continuity mistake: During the opening credits, the camera approaches Betty's bed, where she lies unconscious. The first shot shows her head straight, but an immediate closer angle shows it tilted to the left.


Continuity mistake: As Emil is in the men's restroom looking at the mirror, some of his hair is hanging over his forehead, but when the shot changes, his hair is suddenly brushed back.

Factual error: At one point during the final battle, Betty puts her hand on the minigun. Having been recently fired for long periods, that thing would be scalding hot and would badly burn her hand.


Continuity mistake: You have to be quick to spot this one, but when Bruce is ringing the bell on his bike, you see a woman on her mobile phone for about a second, in the next shot it has disappeared.


Continuity mistake: When Bruce and Betty are hugging on the bridge, they turn back and forth about a quarter of a turn whenever the camera angle changes.

Factual error: When the police are searching for abomination in New York City, they reach an alleyway where there's a police car marked 'Toronto Police'.

Continuity mistake: When Hulk throws the chunk of sheet metal at the helicopter, it glances off the rotor housing (taking a ragged piece with it.) When the chopper crashes, however, the propeller comes off with a perfectly clean edge, as if the projectile had sheared completely through the base.

Factual error: The USB drive should have been destroyed after sitting in Bruce's stomach for a day, or at least been somewhere in his intestines, so he wouldn't have been able to puke it up.

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Betty drives up behind Bruce in her car as he begins to cross the bridge, Bruce's left hand is visibly clutching his jacket shut. In the next shot from inside Betty's car, his hand is immediately at his side. (00:42:20)


Continuity mistake: After the first time we see Bruce transform into the Hulk, he has hitched a ride with the elderly man. You will remember he has 3 1/4 length pants on with a few rips. It cuts to a quick clip of him walking up the road but this time he has full length pants on. They switch back to shorter length pants straight after.

Other mistake: Bruce is seen wearing a Polar F5 heart rate monitor in a couple of scenes after Betty gives it to him (such as when he is in bed with Betty) but there is no transmitter strap around his chest, which that model needs in order to pick up the wearer's heart rate.

Factual error: Near the start of the movie, in Brazil, Bruce is studying Portuguese but the people are speaking Spanish. Brazilians speak Portuguese.

Factual error: All of the soldiers in the movie are wearing the Battle Dress Uniform, but at the time the movie took place (around the same time as the first Iron Man) that uniform was already phased out and replaced with the Army Combat Uniform. Also, all of the soldiers had their name tags on the left side of the uniform, where the U.S. Army tag is supposed to go, instead of on the right side.


Factual error: General Ross and Blonsky are shown in their Class A uniforms, and both of them are missing their U.S. insignia on the collars. Also, General Ross is shown wearing the infantry cross rifles branch insignia on his collar, but he would not wear a branch insignia as a general officer. I could give Blonsky a pass since he's a British officer wearing an American dress uniform for reasons not explained onscreen, but Ross should have known much better as a general with decades of service. (00:30:10)


Revealing mistake: In the beginning of the film, Bruce Banner's hair is a dark brown and looks natural. When he is doing the anger control exercises, he is obviously wearing a black wig which is not natural looking at all. This happens a few times during the movie - it switches from his natural hair to the very dark wig. And at times, even his eyebrows look much darker and thicker.

Tony Stark: What if I told you we're putting a team together?
Gen. Thaddeus 'Thunderbolt' Ross: Who's "we"?

More quotes from The Incredible Hulk
More trivia for The Incredible Hulk

Question: Although some of Bruce Banner's blood falls into one of the soda bottles when he's working in the factory, the movie never explains what happens to that specific bottle. Can we assume that it gets exported to the United States and someone eventually drinks it? Will this tie into the plot for the sequel?

Answer: This is explained in the movie, and it's where Stan Lee's cameo comes in. He is the person who drinks the contaminated soda, triggering a "gamma sickness" incident.


More questions & answers from The Incredible Hulk

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