
Jaws (1975)

292 mistakes - chronological order

(49 votes)

Continuity mistake: At the beach party, when Cassidy and Chrissie make eyes at each other, in the close-up he sits behind certain people including a girl with blond braids and guy in a denim shirt, with long sleeves. However, in the next wide shot, denim shirt guy has his sleeves rolled up and many of their positions are different. (00:02:00)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: When the guy is standing on the beach in the opening scenes the sunset is covered by cloud. When seeing the sunset from the woman in the sea's perspective the sky is clear with no clouds. (00:02:50)

Continuity mistake: Check out the scene where the girl gets attacked at the start - keep your eye on the clouds and how they move around. (00:03:10)

Audio problem: While Chrissie is being attacked at the start of the film, when her mouth is visible it is not in sync with her screams. (00:04:15)

Super Grover

Jaws mistake picture

Revealing mistake: During Chrissie's attack, she clings to the buoy and cries, "Oh my God! Oh God!" In the next shot, as she is pulled away from the buoy, a wire (at about the height of the bell) that shimmers in the moonlight and bounces up and down with the buoy, runs from the buoy towards the right of the screen. It is not visible in any other shot. (00:04:35)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: In his bedroom, when Chief Brody asks, "How come the sun didn't used to shine in here?" the ashtray and lamp are visible beside Ellen. In the following shots the ashtray and lamp's electrical cord noticeably keep changing positions. When he walks out of the bedroom, something (mug?) appears on the desk near the window that wasn't there in the previous shot. (00:05:20)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: When Michael walks into the kitchen, he holds up his bloody hand and exclaims, "I got hit by a vampire!" In the next wideshot the blood on his raised palm differs. (00:06:00)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: When Brody questions Tom about Chrissie's disappearance, Brody turns his head away from Tom between frames, just as they hear Hendricks' whistle. (00:08:00)


Jaws mistake picture

Other mistake: On the death certificate for Chrissie, the shark's first victim, the date of death is July 1st. But later, on the reward paper posted by the boy's mother, it says that the date of Alex's death was June 29th. Alex died after Chrissie, not before. Also, the form refers to the coroner as the "corner," and Jun 29th 1974 was a Saturday, not Sunday. (00:09:05 - 00:18:10)

Character mistake: In the beginning of the movie, Chrissy goes swimming on the night of July 1. Her remains were found the next morning on July 2. The police report that Brody types up states that the incident happened at 11:50 p.m. On July 1 and that Chrissy's remains were found at 10:20 p.m. On July 2 and not in the a.m. As the movie shows. Also on the police report, it states that Chrissy was removed to the "CORNERS OFFICE" and not the coroner's office. (00:09:30)

Jaws mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: After Brody buys the sign supplies, when Hendricks shows up Brody places the box in the front seat, and as Hendricks tells Brody about the Boy Scouts, pay attention to the left window across the street, where we can see one of the local residents holding a camera and looking out the window facing the location shoot, taking pictures of the actors and film crew. The filming took place at the corner of Main St and S. Water St, Edgartown. (00:10:50)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: After buying the sign supplies, Brody drives away and as the Mayor calls out to Brody, Hendricks walks over. In the first shot certain people are walking about; however, in the next shot as Hendricks and the Mayor speak, a boy suddenly appears standing in the crosswalk, the positions of signs, etc., differ, and of course the shadows cast are entirely different. (00:11:15)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: After Brody walks out of the store with a box of sign supplies, wood stakes, and boards, Brody dumps everything into Hendricks' arms, with the points of the five wood stakes facing Hendricks' right side. When Brody drives away as Mayor Vaughn calls out to him, Hendricks walks over with his arms full, but all the stake points now face his left and the supplies box is turned around, note its printed sides. (00:11:15)

Super Grover

Jaws mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Brody waits to board the ferry he says, "Charlie, take me over to those kids, will ya," and there's a painted board with 'Amity' attached to the ferry base. However, when they reach the other ferry landing the board with 'Amity' is gone, in sloshing water (even more visible in a deleted scene). It's the same side of the ferry, note the ferry Captain is stationed at the permanent helm at only one side. The short haul Chappy Ferry On Time scow was the stand-in for the fictitious Amity ferry. (00:11:40)

Super Grover

Character mistake: When Chief Brody is talking to Mayor Vaughn on the ferry, before he says "I appreciate it I'm just reacting to what I was told" he calls him "Harry" when his real name is Larry. (00:13:10)


Continuity mistake: When Mayor Vaughn, Hendricks and the others join Brody on the ferry, as they reach the other side of the harbor the coroner's front leans on the car, as he faces the Mayor and Brody. However, in the next shot the coroner's back now leans on the car, as he faces the opposite way. (00:13:25)

Super Grover

Audio problem: Alex asks his mom if he can still go in the water, and when she says, "Just ten more minutes," although it is a side shot of her face, it is easy to see that her mouth movements are not in sync with her words. (00:13:50)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: Before Alex's attack, the guy who plays with his dog Pippet on the beach wears a bright yellow Izod polo shirt with straight hemmed sleeves, in all of his close-ups. However, in all of the wideshots the polo he wears is pale yellow, with shorter sleeves that have the classic rib-knit sleeve openings. (00:14:10)

Super Grover

Jaws mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Brody sits on the beach watching the crowd in the water before Alex is killed by the shark, he wears a watch on his wrist which disappears a few shots later when he believes he saw something. (00:14:48)

Continuity mistake: While Brody watches the woman in the water, before Alex is attacked, there is a blue and yellow raft in the cabana behind him. In the close-up of his face, just before Harry's black capped head pops out of the water, the raft is gone. Then when Ellen massages Brody's neck the raft is back. The cooler and other assorted items change position between shots as well. (00:15:00)

Super Grover

More quotes from Jaws

Trivia: Actor Robert Shaw took inspiration from and based his performance of Captain Quint on an eccentric, real-life Martha's Vineyard fisherman named Craig Kingsbury. Steven Spielberg was deeply impressed by Kingsbury, also, and actually cast him in the role of fisherman Ben Gardner. Beyond that, Kingsbury's colorful language around the set was often written into the dialogue of Captain Quint and Ben Gardner.

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Question: When Quint and Hooper are comparing leg scars, they are sitting near each other with legs overlapping. The shot moves to Brody, then back to Quint and Hooper at the table, sitting apart. Quint is fastening his pants, buckling his buckle, and zipping his zipper. He obviously showed them something that was edited out of the movie. What was it?

Rick Neumann

Answer: Possibly a scar from having his appendix removed, I've been told.

The appendix shot is Brody - he is feeling inferior as the other two share tales of the sea and the only scar he has is from his appendix being removed.

Chosen answer: I just watched this on DVD. As the men were supposed to be comparing their body scars to one another, it appears that Quint had just shown one that was hidden beneath his pants. Whatever this was, it was edited out. When movie scenes are originally filmed, they are usually much longer in length than what is in the final version. After editing, some actions, dialogue, and character movements are deleted either to shorten the running time, for better storytelling flow, or the action was considered unnecessary to the scene. Also, film censorship at this time (mid-1970s) was far stricter than it is today, and it may have been that a review board deemed it inappropriate to have a character unzipping his pants in that manner and insisted it be removed from the final version.


I believe it was Brody, not Quint that was looking down his pants. And I believe that he was embarrassed that his (maybe appendix) scar was not as big or impressive as Quint and Hoopers.

Watch it again and as Quint is scooting back over to his spot he's fastening his pants, but no explanation is given.

I thought Brody had been shot as a cop in the big city (and that was why he took the job in a quiet, small town) and that in this scene he was looking at the scar and comparing it in his mind to the scars the other guys were showing but not saying anything to them about it.

Answer: After Brody looks down at his abdomen scar (probably an appendix scar) the camera switches back to Quint and Hooper. As Hooper starts talking, watch Quint. He is buttoning his pants and then struggles to zip them up. He leaves his belt unbuckled. I've seen Jaws more times than I can count - starting the year it premiered in 1975 - and I didn't notice this weirdness until a few years ago.

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