
Jack (1996)

3 suggested corrections

(2 votes)

Continuity mistake: When Jack is in his new classroom for the first time, he sits at a metal desk. He falls with the desk when he tries to reach his book bag, which is sitting next to a broken wooden desk. Next, he sits in the same - miraculously whole - wooden desk, then proceeds to break it to smithereens.

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Suggested correction: Watched several times, he moves to the desk to the left of him that doesn't have a chair attached.

Other mistake: Jack's parents were at a Halloween party when his mother went into labor. Later in the movie when he's asked by his teacher he says his birthday is September 12th.

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Suggested correction: The movie doesn't specifically say this is a Halloween party. This may simply be a costume party which can and do happen multiple times a year.

As you stated, it doesn't say it's a Halloween party. In fact, there's signs in the room that say "Beaux-Arts Ball."


Continuity mistake: When Jack's mom takes him to school, she's barefoot in the front yard. The next shot at school, she's wearing shoes.

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Suggested correction: She's not barefoot, you can see her shoes. They're the same ones she has on later.


Continuity mistake: Jack is at home after he had the heart attack (or whatever it was). His mom comes in to his room to tell him he can't go to school anymore. Jack gets upset and rips the heart monitor thingies off his chest (notice his shirt is unbuttoned). The camera cuts to his mom for about a split second, then back to Jack. Now his shirt is buttoned. There is no way he would have had time to button it.

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Principal McGee: I'm Mr. McGee. I've heard so much about you, Jack.
Jack: Hi, Mr. Magoo.
Principal McGee: McGee.
Jack: McGee.
Principal McGee: Yes.
Jack: Magoo.

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