I Still Know What You Did Last Summer

Continuity mistake: Julie goes to the mirror and wipes away some of the condensation from it, still leaving some condensation on it. However when Julie walks away from the mirror, the whole mirror is suddenly clean. (00:47:00)


Continuity mistake: Julie leaves the classroom and walks along, talking to Will, and she has two bags on one shoulder. In nearly every shot the bagstraps change position. (00:04:00)


Continuity mistake: When Ben falls in the grave his eyes are closed, then the camera cuts and the first or second time it cuts and you can see his eyes sort of open.

Continuity mistake: When Julie is in the confessional, a tear slowly trickles down the center of her left cheek. We then cut to a side shot and the tear has moved next to her nose. (00:02:50)

Continuity mistake: Before Julie gets her knife and cuts Will with it, the camera zooms out and you can see her go for the knife and not get it, so they make you think she actually is supposed to go for it the second time. (01:24:00)

Continuity mistake: When the four are walking to the hotel, as they walk under the outdoor archway, Tyrell's glasses move from up on his head, to on his nose, to back up on his head between shots. (00:25:50)


Audio problem: In this movie, when Ben gets ready to kill someone, he withdraws his hook, and we hear the sound of metal against metal. But he never scrapes or brushes metal, so this is an incorrect sound. (00:59:15)


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Nancy: This island didn't have a murder rate until you people showed up.

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Question: Julie and her friend knew that they answered the question wrong for what is the Capital of Brazil, but won anyway. When they finally decide to talk about that glaring flaw being a setup it's more than 31 hours later while they are in the Bahamas. Why exactly did they not talk about that glaring flaw before leaving the USA?

Athletic Jason

Answer: They never knew they got the question wrong until they happened to look at that globe in the hotel.

Brian Katcher

Answer: Just because they took a geography class doesn't mean that they remembered a capital of a country they have no connection to.


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