The Grinch: Blast this Christmassy music. It's joyful and triumphant.
The Grinch: Am I just eating because I'm bored?
The Grinch: I'm all toasty inside. And I'm leaking.
The Grinch: All right, you're a reindeer. Here's your motivation: Your name is Rudolph, you're a freak with a red nose, and no-one likes you. Then, one day, Santa picks you and you save Christmas. No, forget that part. We'll improvise... just keep it kind of loosey-goosey. You hate Christmas! You're gonna steal it. Saving Christmas is a lousy ending, way too commercial. Action!
[Max knocks off the nose.] The Grinch: Brilliant! You reject your own nose because it represents the glitter of commercialism. Why didn't I think of that? Cut, print, check the gate, moving on.
Answer: It was a rocket sleigh.