How the Grinch Stole Christmas

Continuity mistake: The little car the Grinch commandeers and crashes after going on his rampage goes from having a little flame, to fully engulfed, and back before the explosion.

Movie Nut

Continuity mistake: When testing his engines and after he hits the wall, he turns around and is leaning on the wall. He's tilted toward the "HIT HERE" circle. The camera cuts closer in, and he's now standing straighter in relation to the circle.

Movie Nut

Continuity mistake: After Cindy thanks the Grinch for saving her, he stops at the door. He slides his hand down the glass, and it comes off the glass well below his chin level. When he turns around, it's just at his chin height.

Movie Nut

Continuity mistake: After the Grinch unscrews the light bulb in the town Christmas tree, all the lights in the town go dark and the Grinch starts to take off in his sled-thing. When they show a close up of him, the lights are on. Then a few seconds later, the lights are off again.

More mistakes in How the Grinch Stole Christmas

Grinch: Hello!
Grinch's Echo: Hello! Hello! Hello!
Grinch: How are you?
Grinch's Echo: How are you? How are you? How are you?
Grinch: I asked you first.
Grinch's Echo: I asked you first. I asked you first. I asked you first.
Grinch: Oh, that's real mature. Saying exactly what I say.
Grinch's Echo: Exactly what I say. Exactly what I say. Exactly what I say.
Grinch: I'm an idiot.
Grinch's Echo: You're an idiot.
Grinch: [Whispering] All right. Fine. I'm not talking to you anymore. In fact, I'm going to whisper. So that by the time the sound of my voice reverberates off the walls and gets back to me, I won't be able to hear it.
Grinch's Echo: You're an idiot.

More quotes from How the Grinch Stole Christmas

Trivia: Jim Carrey's makeup took 2 hours to put on and 1 hour to take off, every day for 92 days of filming.

More trivia for How the Grinch Stole Christmas

Answer: It was a rocket sleigh.

More questions & answers from How the Grinch Stole Christmas

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