
Visible crew/equipment: Peter Pan is trying to free his children from Captain Hook, but is captured and tied up. After a few minutes, he falls into the sea; but is then saved by three Mermaids. Watch the last Mermaid with green hair, when she is swimming towards him. If you look at the foliage behind her you'll see a diver's hands rapidly flailing in an effort to swim backwards out of the shot. Also, as the mermaid is kissing Peter you can see a quick glimpse of the diver's mask and equipment. Easier to see on DVD - the Netflix version has been slightly obscured, but still visible. (00:48:25)

Visible crew/equipment: When Hook is first introduced by Smee, just as the camera focuses in on Hook's hook, you can see the reflection of the crew in it. (00:38:30)

Visible crew/equipment: After one Lost Boy fires an arrow at Peter's butt, you can see a thin piece of fishing wire that hangs past the bow and in front of the Lost Boy, either used to launch or control the arrow. (00:53:40)


Hook mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: When the pirates try to get Peters shoes, after he first arrives at Neverland, Tinkerbell starts fighting them. In one shot a pirate gets hit by a very large saucepan, and falls back-first off a balcony. The very long wire is very visible. It's really long and goes all the way from attached to his back, to offscreen. (00:36:00)


Hook mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: White lighting screens are reflected on Peter's glasses when he looks up to see Rufio for the first time, and right afterwards when he runs away and bumps into a net.


Visible crew/equipment: When the camera zooms into the hook-shaped window-lock opening itself, you can see the faint reflection of the camera and its operator in the silver plate that the lock is attached to. (00:21:45)


Visible crew/equipment: After Hook is eaten by the giant crocodile Peter shouts "Bangarang!" and the kids start yelling it as well. Look on the far right of the screen, behind and underneath the crocodile, and you can see a pair of legs in blue denim jeans just standing there. (01:59:41)

Jack Vaughan

Visible crew/equipment: When the Lost Boys begin to chase Peter around their hideout there is a shot that starts high up in the trees and moves down as it closes in on Peter running from the kids. As the shot passes a support beam attached to the track that Rufio's sail-ship runs on you can see the camera's shadow cast on the support. (00:52:22)

Jack Vaughan

Visible crew/equipment: When Peter first arrives at Neverland we see Smee taking Captain Hook's hook to the ship. When the camera pans underneath the ship's sails to reveal the giant human skeleton attached to the prow you can see a metal walkway at the top of the screen, behind the sails, and the legs of some crew members stood on it. (00:37:23)

Jack Vaughan

Visible crew/equipment: When Peter first arrives at the Lost Boys hideout, as he stands up (and the shot moves backwards), you can see the cameras shadow on the ground on the far left side of the screen. (00:49:29)

Jack Vaughan

Visible crew/equipment: As the hook is locked into place, there are several pyrotechnic charges set off, one of which can be seen exploding directly underneath the hook. Also, the studio lighting is reflected in the chrome finish.

Movie Nut

Visible crew/equipment: When Peter arrives in Neverland he walks up to some pirates and says, "I'm looking for someone". The pirates chase him and Tink beats them up. In one shot, when a pirate is being thrown from a balcony, there is a launch pad in between the slats.

Continuity mistake: When Smee gives Hook his nightcap drink, Hook takes it in his hand and holds it at the top of the goblet so that it is hidden under his hand. But in the very next shot he is holding it by the handle and the whole goblet is now visible with a small black umbrella sticking out the top. Additionally, the position of the small umbrella that sits in the goblet changes a few times. (01:02:40)


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Trivia: The name 'Wendy' was popularised for girls by the play of Peter Pan - JM Barrie adapted it from the way a neighbour's daughter mispronounced "friend." However, prior to PP, Wendy was a unisex nickname for both Gwendolyn and Wendell, also a name in its own right to a limited degree. More info here: http://www.wendy.com/wendyweb/history.html.

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Question: 1) I remember reading online once that some person in a band (not any of the ones mentioned in the trivia for this movie) lost a bet and appeared as one of Hook's pirates in this movie. Is this true and if yes who was it? 2) I also once read online that it is a tradition for Peter Pan movies to have the same actor to play Hook and somebody else in the movie. I don't remember Dustin Hoffman as anybody else in this movie. Was he somebody else in the movie?

Answer: (1) David Crosby and Jimmy Buffett both appear as part of Hook's crew - whether either of them is there as a result of losing a bet is unknown. (2) Traditionally, in stage productions of Peter Pan, the actor who plays Hook will also take on the minor role of Mr Darling, Wendy's father. As, in the story presented in the film, Wendy is now elderly, her father is likely long dead, and thus no opportunity exists to maintain the tradition. However, you can hear Dustin Hoffman as the voice of the pilot on the plane ride to London, giving a nod to the tradition.


Answer: Actress Glenn Close is a pirate too. The first pirate that Hook goes to on deck and puts in the Boo Box. Https://youtu.be/TCx-M8dcDhk.

Answer: It's Phil Collins - he's the police officer.

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