The Guardian
The Guardian mistake picture

Character mistake: In the training room, after Randall is discussed as the record holder, the students are brought to attention. All but one is standing at attention, he is in the back on the right hand side, standing at ease.

Ian Hunt

The Guardian mistake picture

Character mistake: In the training room, after Randall is discussed as the record holder, the students are brought to attention. All but one is standing at attention, he is in the back on the right hand side, standing at ease.

Ian Hunt

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Danny Doran: Can you die from chlorine poisoning?
Billy Hodge: I can't feel my legs. I'm serious.
Jake Fischer: I don't know about you guys, but I feel good.
Ken Weatherly: This Randall guy, he's operating on some whole other cylinder. What is it, two weeks, and he's failed half the class already?
Ken Weatherly: He's a legend. They say he's got something like 200 saves.
Danny Doran: I heard it was 300.
Jake Fischer: Who cares what his number is? If he's such a stud, what's he doing here?

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Trivia: During the scene in Kevin Costner's office after the bar brawl involving Ashton Kutcher and his Coast Guard buddy Hodges, the title of the newspaper from which Costner reads about Kutcher's car accident is "The Cedar Rapids Chronicle." Kutcher is actually from Cedar Rapids, Iowa (although the real name of the paper is the Cedar Rapids Gazette).

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