Highlander: Endgame

Visible crew/equipment: There is a shot where the taxi is on the bridge going into NYC, and when the camera that is tracking the taxi pans, we catch the corner of the truck that the camera is mounted on.

Deliberate mistake: In the Director's Cut (the version most readily available on DVD), there is literally an entire 15-second chunk of the final fight that is repeated twice within 60 seconds. (It's the bit where Duncan and Kell are fighting on the ground, Duncan kicks Kell, then Kell kicks and slices Duncan) It's impossible not to notice, and it's not they're flashing back to what just happened... they just repeat the same 15 seconds of footage, add different sound effects, and assume people won't notice.


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Jacob Kell: What you need to understand is that I don't care about the game. I don't care about the rules. I don't even care about these pathetic souls you keep locked away as a barrier to the prize.

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Trivia: Dimension films infamously pulled some very deceptive marketing in the trailer for "Highlander: Endgame." Much of the footage seen in the original theatrical trailer is a mixture of clips from the prior films and scenes shot exclusively for the trailer that were never meant to be in the final film. This included the trailer explicitly portraying the film as containing sorcery elements (such as the villain being able to duplicate himself and control objects telepathically) and science fiction elements (including Connor and Duncan jumping through some sort-of mechanical "Stargate"-like portal), despite none of these ideas being present in the finished film.


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Question: In Highlander The Sorcerer, Conner had adopted a son. Anyone know what happened to him as in Endgame, Conner gets killed?

Answer: It's hard to say. Since the series totally ignores "Highlander 2" some assume that they also ignored "Highlander 3." But if you don't like that idea, you can probably assume he's off at college with his own life, or maybe even been killed by Jacob Kell.

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