
Trivia: At one point, Heather Chandler asks Heather Duke, "Did you have a brain tumor for breakfast?" Ironically and tragically in real life, actress Kim Walker (Heather Chandler) died of a brain tumor in 2001.

Trivia: Veronica Sawyer and Betty Finn's names are a combination of the girls from the 'Archie' comic books, and Mark Twain's characters Tom and Huckleberry.


Trivia: The high school (Westerburg High) is named for Winona's favorite rock singer at that time, Paul Westerburg, of The Replacements.


Trivia: The writer Daniel Waters thought of a few different endings for this movie. In one version, JD would successfully bomb the school, and the students would be shown at a prom in the afterlife. In another ending, Martha (A.K.A. "Dump Truck") would decide that Veronica was just another Heather, and kill Veronica.

Trivia: Daniel Waters (writer) came up with a possible sequel in which Veronica now lives in Washington DC, working for a senator who is an adult Heather. Meryl Streep would play the senator. However, Waters has always been against making a sequel, and only pitched this idea to Winona Ryder for fun. Ryder has talked about a sequel multiple times.

Trivia: While praying at Heather Chandler's memorial service, Peter Dawson hopes that "this never happens to me", because he doesn't think he could handle suicide. The actor, Jeremy Applegate, committed suicide in 2000.

Continuity mistake: When Veronica and JD are in the kitchen making the hangover cure to kill Heather Chandler, they both screw the cap back on the Drain Opener. (00:25:10 - 00:26:05)

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Courtney: If I got that money, I'd give it all to the homeless. Every cent.
Veronica Sawyer: You're beautiful.

More quotes from Heathers

Question: Based on the ending, when Veronica invites Marsha to hang out, I have the impression that she doesn't intend to confess her involvement in the fake "suicides." People will continue to think that Heather was depressed, and Kurt and Ram were secretly gay. Is there some reason, other than jail, for her to let everyone keep believing the lies?

Answer: People who were bullied by Heather, Kurt, and Ram might feel better because of the faked suicides: they believe that the bullies were actually struggling with issues. As one boy says, he now thinks that Heather quit dating him because she was dissatisfied with her own life, not because he wasn't good enough. In the locker rooms, a girl tells Veronica that she thought Heather was just a bitch, but "guess I was wrong."

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