Halloween 4

Other mistake: In the scene where Jamie is in the closet, looking at a photo of her mother (Jamie Lee Curtis). The photo looks exactly like the scene where Laurie is sitting waiting for Annie on the ledge in the original Halloween, which wasn't photographed at the time, it's clearly a still from the movie.

Other mistake: When Doctor Loomis encounters Michael in the gas station the camera zooms in on Michael standing directly in the kitchen and Loomis shoots at him, but when he takes a closer look he is totally surprised Michael vanished when he saw him.


Other mistake: In the scene where Jamie is in the closet, looking at a photo of her mother (Jamie Lee Curtis). The photo looks exactly like the scene where Laurie is sitting waiting for Annie on the ledge in the original Halloween, which wasn't photographed at the time, it's clearly a still from the movie.

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Jack Sayer: You're huntin' it, ain't ya? Yeah, you're huntin' it, all right. Just like me.
Dr. Loomis: What are you hunting, Mr. Sayer?
Jack Sayer: Apocalypse, End of the World, Armageddon. It's always got a face and a name. I've been huntin' the bastard for 30 years, give or take. Come close a time or two. Too damn close! You can't kill damnation, Mister. It don't die like a man dies.
Dr. Loomis: I know that, Mr. Sayer.

More quotes from Halloween 4

Trivia: Due to an impending writer's strike, the script was completed in only 11 days by writer Alan B. McElroy. McElroy cracked the story, and managed to complete a final draft in this short period of time, reportedly turning it in only a few hours before the strike began.

More trivia for Halloween 4

Question: How were Rachel and Jamie able to make the connection that Michael was Jamie's uncle?

Answer: It's never explained who told Jamie of her murderous uncle, but Jamie is mocked and made fun of by her classmates for being related to the infamous Michael Myers. She could have been told by her adoptive family, classmates, neighbors, etc, but the movie never provides any definitive answers.

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