
Continuity mistake: When Rand Peltzer is in the gas station office with the gas station attendant, the view from the outside looking in shows the station attendant taking a drag off a cigarette with his left hand, but the next scene shot shows his left hand on his desk and reaching for a cigarette tucked in his right ear with his right hand.


Continuity mistake: In the department store, Stripe is throwing radial saw blades at Billy, and decapitates a store mannequin twice. Further, the separated head falls off the body twice.


Continuity mistake: When the gremlins are driving Mr. Futterman's snowplow towards his house, it comes to a stop, but the next shot from the perspective of the gremlins in the cab show it still moving.


Continuity mistake: When the tractor drives into the house, first it's going slow, then travelling at nearly cruising speed.

Movie Nut

Continuity mistake: When Gizmo goes to Rand for protection, he's upright as Rand's hand comes around to comfort him. A second later, he's in a reclined position, with Rand scratching his stomach.

Movie Nut

Continuity mistake: As Billy opens the box, Gizmo pops up and goes back down. When the angle changes, Gizmo is starting to go down again.

Movie Nut

Continuity mistake: Billy gets shot with a crossbow bolt by Stripe and you see it in his left arm. Next shot cuts to a silver stereo/boombox, and then the shot cuts back to Billy. The crossbow bolt in his arm is now missing, but returns in subsequent shots.


Continuity mistake: Amount of snow on Katie's hair increases / decreases between shots after drunken Murray exits his car.


Continuity mistake: When Dr. Hanson dismisses his students, a box falls, produces smoke, and he moves backwards. From a different angle the smoke is gone and he is repeating all the movements. (00:46:05)


Gremlins mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Billy's mom grinds the Gremlin in the food processor, the fridge to the left swaps from dirty to clean. (00:54:35)


Continuity mistake: Billy opens the Gremlin's cage and leans forward to look at it. A frame later he is standing away from the box.


Continuity mistake: Before the Gremlins attack the old lady, Gizmo is in the police office with a green string over his head. The string keeps changing positions between angles.


Continuity mistake: While Mrs. Deagle complaints at Billy for the broken snowman, her head is first to the left of the snowman, then to the right, without her having moved.


Continuity mistake: While Billy is trying to start his car, the wide shots show the door totally covered in snow, but in the close-ups there are uncovered parts.


Continuity mistake: When the movie ends, the sling around Billy's neck is either over the collar or under, depending on the shot. (01:38:35)


Gremlins mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: When a gremlin attacks the Mum from a Christmas tree, and the tree falls on top of her, you can clearly see a member of the crew with eyeglasses, wearing a red shirt, standing behind the tree pushing it forward on top of her. (00:54:30)

More mistakes in Gremlins

Randall Peltzer: Well, that's the story. So if your air conditioner goes on the fritz. Or your washing machine blows up. Or your video recorder conks out; before you call the repairman, turn on all the lights, check all the closets and cupboards, look under all the beds. Cause you never can tell. There just might be a gremlin in your house.

More quotes from Gremlins
Gremlins trivia picture

Trivia: When Billy's mom takes the picture of Gizmo at the beginning, Gizmo becomes frightened and runs over to Mr. Peltzer. When the scene is slowed, you can see the puppeteer's hand underneath while operating the Gizmo doll. Not a mistake as needs slo-mo, but worth a look. (00:19:10)

More trivia for Gremlins

Question: Why does the video cover say "We're back"? It's the first film.

Answer: When the movie was originally released, the art work simply said "We're Here." After it's initially theatrical run, they waited a while and then re-released it and changed the "We're Here" to "We're Back"


Answer: I have the VHS from the 80's. 100% it says we're back.

Answer: I just looked at the cover on and it actually says "We're Here", not "We're Back". On Gremlins 2 - The New Batch it says "Here they grow again".

Vernon Gilmore

More questions & answers from Gremlins

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