Cassie Munro: Mom, some idiot just parked this ugly RV outside our house.
Jamie Munro: What?
Cassie Munro: Oh, my God, it's your husband.
Marie Jo Gornicke: Do you wanna hear about the time Jesus saved us from a tornado?
Carl Munro: Does anybody have a vomit bag?
Jamie Munro: You sick?
Carl Munro: Big time. Cassie and Earl are making out.
Cassie Munro: My god, I am so bored. I could actually throw up from how bored I am.
Travis Gornicke: Tuesday's meatloaf, after that we're goin' to sit around and watch "Ernest Goes To Jail."
Billy Gornicke: It is Fuuuu-nny.
Bob Munro: It's a classic.
Bob Munro: So where do you park your hat?
Travis Gornicke: Behind that wheel there, that's our bus.
Jamie Munro: Well then how do Moon, Earl and... not Earl go to school?
Marie Jo Gornicke: Home schooling.
Bob Munro: This next question may seem personal but how do you.
Travis Gornicke: Make a living? Well let's see, we got $25,000 when we turned in Mary Jo's stepfather.
Marie Jo Gornicke: In prison he's getting the help he needs.
Bob Munro: Welcome aboard, everybody. Before we embark, I think we should give this beauty a name. Suggestions?
Cassie Munro: The Big Turd.
Carl Munro: The Big Rolling Turd?
Bob Munro: In that spirit, we set forth.
Cassie Munro: Dad.
Bob Munro: Yeah?
Cassie Munro: I get it.
Bob Munro: What?
Cassie Munro: Sometimes if you want to succceed, you have to do what they tell you.
Earl Gornicke: So, do you have a boyfriend?
Cassie Munro: Yeah, actually, I'm engaged.
Earl Gornicke: Unlikely.
Jamie Munro: I feel like that hitchhiker in The Twilight Zone.
Cassie Munro: What do they like about us? We're not even that appealing.
Cassie Munro: Why can't we just give it Carl and maybe he'll eat it and leave.
Carl Munro: Why don't we feed him you, maybe he's on a south bitch diet.
Answer: In the world of "make believe", they used "movie magic" to zap the RV out of the water and on to dry land - with no mechanical issues resulting from being submerged. In the real world, someone called a tow truck - perhaps AAA - and the RV was pulled out of the water and it suffered water damage and needed some repairs. This movie was presented as being "real life." Bob left on a bicycle to "try to find help." Near the end of the movie, Carl said that the RV "spent two days under water and they had to fish it out." He didn't say who "they" were. A fishing pole would not be strong enough to reel in a large RV, so I think it is safe to conclude that a tow truck was used to pull the RV out of the lake.
It should be noted that "fish it out" is a common phrase to mean pull or take out, especially after searching. When people use the term, they're never taking about using a fishing pole. But often when people post questions like this, they're asking for an in-film explanation in case they missed (or didn't understand) something. If no in-film explanation was given, a reasonable speculation can be given. You don't need to remind people the movie is a movie. If the in/film explanation is uncharacteristic to real life, then one can point out that in real life it wouldn't happen that way.
It was meant to be ironic.
There was no irony, but this isn't the forum for irony anyways.
I guess I failed miserably... but wasn't the original question rhetorical?