
Continuity mistake: At the beginning of the movie they pull to the side of the road and stab and shoot the not yet dead man in the trunk. In this scene Jimmy shoots him 4 times. Later, when they get to this scene in the story and show it again in slow mo, Jimmy fires the gun 5 times. (01:00:34)

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Suggested correction: Jimmy shoots the gun 3 times in each scene.

Goodfellas mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Henry picks up Karen from a phone booth after her neighbor tries to attack her. The left side of her shirt is dirty. When Henry drops her at home and beats up the neighbor, Karen's shirt is completely clean. (00:39:36 - 00:41:10)

Ben's Mom

Goodfellas mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After Henry gives Paulie a share of the money he took from the air port, Paulie tells him to say that he got the rest of the money playing Craps in Vegas. Paulie's left hand is around Henry's back with his hand flat out on his shoulder. When it cuts to a close up as Paulie is playfully slapping his cheek with his other hand, his left hand is now suddenly balled up in a different position on Henry's shoulder. (00:35:30)

Quantom X

Continuity mistake: While Henry is in the shower pounding on the tiles after hearing about Lufthansa, his bar of soap changes hands between shots. (01:33:00)


Goodfellas mistake picture

Revealing mistake: In the scene where Karen is too afraid to accept free clothes from Jimmy and speeds off, the yellow NY state license plate falls from the parked car to reveal the modern white one underneath. (02:11:35)

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Tommy DeVito: You know Spider, you're a fuckin' mumbling stuttering little fuck. You know that?

More quotes from Goodfellas

Trivia: In the book Wiseguy, it is stated that even in the gangster world, discipline and order had to maintained. No one could kill anyone they wanted whenever they pleased. Dead bodies were not allowed to be haphazardly left in the streets for all to see. People who had grudges against certain individuals had to sit down with mob chiefs to get their okay to have them 'whacked'. Since Tommy killed Billy Batts and several others without permission, he sealed his own fate. There are similar cases mentioned in the book regarding loose cannons, deadbeats, and snitches and their ultimate demise. Henry put it so in the case of Stacks Edwards: "It was Jimmy who gave the order, but it was Paulie who gave Jimmy the look."

Allister Cooper, 2011

More trivia for Goodfellas

Question: What is the song being played during the scene when Henry is being chased by the helicopter towards the end? It starts when he puts the bags in the trunk of his car before going to pick up his brother, but it's not on the soundtrack and I can't see it listed in the end credits.


Chosen answer: The song is called "Jump Into The Fire" by Harry Nilsson, and is not on the original motion picture soundtrack.

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