American Psycho

Factual error: When Bateman is in his apartment with his secretary, he points a large tool at the back of her head, unbeknownst to her. That is an air powered nailgun for installing plywood. The only way that one could be used is with an airhose and a compressor. The fitting for the airhose that sticks out of the bottom has been removed because it usually would point straight down and stick out about 2 inches. (01:02:45)

American Psycho mistake picture

Other mistake: Several close-ups of the business cards of Patrick Bateman and his associates reveal a misspelling of the word "Acquisitions" (the "c" is missing - not a small error, given that this is the name of their department).

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Patrick Bateman: I think, um, Evelyn that, uh, we've lost touch.
Evelyn Williams: Why? What's wrong?
Patrick Bateman: I need to engage in homicidal behaviour on a massive scale can not be corrected but, uh, I have no other way to fulfill my needs.

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Trivia: When Bateman in the end of the movie confesses his murders to the answering machine, he mentions murders like a man with a dog and a girl with a nail gun. Those are all murders described very graphically in the book.

El Peligro

More trivia for American Psycho

Question: When Patrick talks to Carnes, he confesses that he murdered Paul Owen. Why doesn't Carnes believe him, and how could Carnes have had dinner with Paul?

Answer: There are two possible answers. First, Carnes doesn't recognize Christian Bale as Bateman, instead thinking he is someone named Davis. He insults Bateman and thinks "Davis" left the message as a joke. Realize also that someone claims to have seen Owen/Allen in London, but mistook Herbert Ainsworth for him. Second, Bateman is delusional and only thinks he killed Owen/Allen, who is in fact alive and in London.

Greg Dwyer

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