American Psycho
American Psycho mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: In the scene after Patrick Bateman's second encounter with the detective in his office, we see Bateman having sex at Courtney's apartment. After he rolls off her, Bateman approaches the large, stand-up mirror in the bedroom. In the upper right hand corner of the mirror, a boom microphone can clearly be seen moving around to pick up Christian Bale's lines. The next time we get the same long shot, the microphone is gone. (00:52:45)

American Psycho mistake picture

Other mistake: Several close-ups of the business cards of Patrick Bateman and his associates reveal a misspelling of the word "Acquisitions" (the "c" is missing - not a small error, given that this is the name of their department).

American Psycho mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Bateman goes to Paul's apartment to pack up his stuff to "send him to London" after killing him, as he is packing the bathroom light is off and then about 2 seconds later the light has come on by itself with him nowhere near the room.

American Psycho mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the detective is in Patrick's office questioning him about Paul Allen's disappearance, there is a bottle and a glass on the table. A glass ashtray appears by the bottle and the glass then disappears between shots. (00:34:20 - 00:35:30)

American Psycho mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Bryce pulls out Paul Allen's card to show it to Patrick, he holds it in different ways between shots. (00:19:44)

American Psycho mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: When Patrick brings Sabrina into his apartment for a threesome with Christie, he says to her "Not quite blonde, are you?" and you can see the shadow of the boom microphone fall across the wall. (00:40:19)

Jack Vaughan

More mistakes in American Psycho

Patrick Bateman: I have all the characteristics of a human being: blood, flesh, skin, hair; but not a single, clear, identifiable emotion, except for greed and disgust. Something horrible is happening inside of me and I don't know why. My nightly bloodlust has overflown into my days. I feel lethal, on the verge of frenzy. I think my mask of sanity is about to slip.

More quotes from American Psycho

Trivia: Willem Dafoe was asked to play Donald Kimball in 3 different ways: he thought Bateman was guilty, he didn't think Bateman was guilty, and he wasn't sure if Bateman was guilty. They were all blended together to make the audience not know what Kimball thought of Patrick Bateman.

More trivia for American Psycho

Question: Did Patrick really kill anybody or was it all in his mind? He killed a homeless man but there's no news report about it on TV. He murders Paul but is told Paul is in London. He severely beat and bloodied two prostitutes but no cops show up to arrest him. He murders Elizabeth and Christie but when he goes back to the apartment later, it is empty and put up for sale.

Answer: The situation is intentionally left vague. The homeless man being murdered wouldn't necessarily make the news in the time (there were over 4000 murders in 1989-90 when the book and movie are set). He and his friends are so alike that they continually mistake each other for others. The prostitutes would likely be loathe to call the police because they might be arrested themselves and he would likely get off with a much better lawyer.

Greg Dwyer

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